Heres a question for you. I am mildly perturbed by people who - TopicsExpress


Heres a question for you. I am mildly perturbed by people who lay claim to titles and qualifications that are not theirs to claim. Lets take the title and profession of journalism. I am of the view that unless one has professional qualifications as journalist, to wit, a degree of some kind in journalism, then one is not a journo. One can certainly work in the media, and one can state that one works for a certain magazine and tests bikes (bike tester), or writes columns (columnist), or compiles news (news editor), or edits the magazine (editor), but unless you have formal jounalistic qualifications, you are not a journalist. I do plumbing work (badly), but I am not a plumber. I do mechanical work (also badly), but I am not a mechanic. Were I to lay claim to such a title, I would need to have formally completed the apprenticeship, etc. I likewise have never laid claim to being a journalist, for I possess no qualifications in that profession. This whole thing sticks in my craw probably more than it does most people. I would hear your views...
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 21:12:39 +0000

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