Heres an article I wrote about Stephen Sutton for the Mirror last - TopicsExpress


Heres an article I wrote about Stephen Sutton for the Mirror last Sunday. His amazing campaign has now raised £3.2 million for the Teenage Cancer Trust. you can still donate https://justgiving/stephen-sutton-tct This week you would have had to be under a stone somewhere to have missed the heart-warming story of a very remarkable young man from Staffordshire – Stephen Sutton. I first met Stephen, who is terminally ill, at a gig we do every March at the Royal Albert Hall for the magnificent charity the Teenage Cancer Trust. We had a photo and a brief chat and he told me he’d been doing “a bit of fundraising” (he had actually raised half a million pounds at that point!). I then did the gig; my charitable duties done for another month, my conscience abated. Fast-forward to this week. On Tuesday someone posted a message on my Facebook fan page with a picture of Stephen. It had the headline: “It’s a final thumbs up from me” (you probably saw it yourself, it got everywhere... I mean it was on Al Jazeera TV on Friday so you should definitely have seen it in Swindon). I read his page and was completely taken with the lad. His positive outlook on life was breathtaking. He did not have very long to live, yet the main thrust of his message was that he still wanted people to donate and raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust, which had helped him and his family so much in his past few years. After a huge push online by thousands of people, Stephen managed to get the figure up to nearly £3million (and I imagine it could be more when you read this). Nineteen years old and about to die. It just doesn’t bear thinking about, does it? I mean, I’m annoyed that I might die at 90. But there’s something about 19 – it’s a romantic age, the ­beginning of so many things. I spent so many days just laughing and making my mates laugh. I was in a band, oh man we were going to play Wembley. I’d play football for hours and drink and eat and just laugh. I laughed every single day about something or other. Kids and jobs and bills and debts were things that happened to someone else, someone older. I went out and danced at the student union every night, wrote really deep ­meaningful poetry (it was crap) and I was convinced that girls were the greatest thing ever created (I still am convinced by that). I spent my days thinking about them and wondering how I could get nearer to them. I didn’t bother watching a sunset because I knew I’d see hundreds, thousands more. Sometimes I’d go days, weeks without seeing my family because I was out, having too much of a good time. I wasted so many hours just sleeping and playing the computer and ­chatting... boy, could I chat! But about what? I was 19, I knew everything there was to know, and no one was going to tell me otherwise. I was convinced that as soon as I could be bothered to get out of bed, the world was mine for the taking, all I had to do was stick around long enough and life would sort me out. View gallery BPM Media Brave: Stephen Suttons incredible journey View gallery Imagine all that being taken away from you. Imagine all the years since you were 19 hadn’t happened. As I started to read Stephen’s story my immediate feelings were of sadness and hopelessness. But the more I read of Stephen’s ­courageous outlook, the less I worried about death and the more I focused on life. Stephen isn’t angry at having to leave the party early, he is just happy to have been invited to the party in the first place. I found that incredibly invigorating. I’d spent the day moaning. My daughter had lost her shoe, I got stuck in traffic, I got a puncture that cost me £180. But here I was reading about a boy who had days to live, who had every right to be angry and bitter and yet he was only focusing on the good stuff. Why do we take being alive for granted? Why don’t we wake up every day and, instead of being groggy and annoyed with the alarm, think to ourselves: “Oh my gosh I’m alive again, I get to do this amazing miracle some more.” Stephen wasn’t thinking about what he’d missed out on – children of his own, a home, a wife, lads’ holidays and West Brom winning the FA Cup. No, he is one of those rare humans who focuses on the amazing things that life has given him so far – on his family and friends, on the random crazy madcap year he has had raising money for a worthy cause (he’s done everything from skydiving to hugging an elephant). As he says: “Life shouldn’t be measured in time, it should be measured in achievements.” Well Stephen, you have achieved more in your short life than I and most people will achieve in a lifetime. You are a credit to your family, to ­Staffordshire, to Britain... and an absolute credit to humanity itself.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 12:47:24 +0000

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