Heres an extract to follow the article:- Kay shows, through her - TopicsExpress


Heres an extract to follow the article:- Kay shows, through her poetry, that there is nothing wrong with writing about weakness and personal topics. There is nothing that is off-limits to poetry. In her book, she tackles topics such as anger in her poem titled “Hand-Me-Downs,” which begins: “You have taken to wearing your father’s hand-me-down anger,” and progresses, causing the reader to identify with the “you” within the poem, envisioning that Kay speaks to us when she says: when the time comes, who is going to be the first to put down the needle and thread? Who is going to be the first to remember that their grandfather suffered just as many broken windows, broken hearts, broken bones? And the first time you come down to dinner, and your son is sitting at the dining room table wearing your hatred on his shoulders, who is going to be the first to tell him it is finally time to take it off? coldfrontmag/sarah-kay-spoken-word-as-more-than-just-poetry/
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 09:46:28 +0000

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