Heres my 2 cents on this stupid hunting issue. Not that anyone - TopicsExpress


Heres my 2 cents on this stupid hunting issue. Not that anyone will be persuaded either way. First of all, is this really the most important thing we can be arguing over right now? If you keep up with the news at all and truly care about the state of the world we live in, you probably realize there are bigger issues at hand. Issues that threaten our freedom and our very existence on this planet like climate change and guns that kill people (thats a sarcastic joke, but there are real issues that we are facing.) The sad fact of the matter is that people jump to conclusions about stuff like this all the time without any regard toward the truth and the facts. This is the problem with progressivism. It acts on emotion and claims to be compassionate, yet it demonizes and tries to silence anything with an opposing view. It disregards facts when convenient. It always tries to exploit people when it can. It is so fundamentally dishonest, and there are so many people that just drink the cool aid and serve as puppets and robots for the progressive movement. Look at the chik fil a situation, the current hobby lobby mess, the old white conservative male racist crap, the climate change movement (yeah, the climate changes, its called summer, spring, fall, and winter. Been around for a while. They cant use the term global warming anymore because, well, people realized that was a hoax, and the people leading the march were the biggest hypocrites of all. See Al Gore),the conservatives war on women (this particular situation isnt war on women because shes conservative), the war on Islam, the war on animals now. These are all examples where conservatives have been demonized and wrongly accused of things that just arent true. Its all an attempt to silence the opposing view, to gain more control over the minions, and making us appear shallow and insensitive. We will never agree on much, but can we still co-exist on this planet without hating each other? Surely We can find something we agree on and go from there. Ive tried to see the liberal or progressive point of view. Ive tried. I cant do it. It makes no sense to me. I cant relate to it, and you cant relate to my thinking, either. I finally understand that. Can we just agree that everyone needs to be treated with dignity and respect knowing that we wont agree on much? Can we hold off on judgements until we here both sides of the story? Please here what I am saying.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:45:04 +0000

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