Heres my question to all member of the United State Republican - TopicsExpress


Heres my question to all member of the United State Republican Party; how many of you are now willing to defect and leave the Republican Party altogether to start an independant party, one thats not corrupt, war monger, murders and killers of innocent civilian because thats what the United State Republican Party represent, the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian in the occupy territory Israel is cleansing right now while the United Nation stand and do nothing. Is this what you want a Republican Party to represent. I say leave the Republican Party and join us in creating a multi-political parties platform in the United State, multi-political parties platform that represent everyone not this U.S. Republican Party of the 1% because thats what the Republican party represent. in other words how can you as a Republican can help us defeat the republican party from within.. thats right we want you to be the Trojan horse from within that brings down the Republican Senate and House. Join us as we the American Public the majority of the citizen in the United State want you to help other create a republician inside job, and of course with your help us crash the Republcan Party in half so they dont have any majority 1% control of the U.S. Senate, and I say the samething to all member of the Republican Party members in the house: and how many of you are willing to defect and crash the organize crime military industrial conplex that control the Republican Party. Are you going to stand with stupid or are you willing to stand against organize crime political control of the United State Republcian Party, a party that is responsible for killing the middel class in America. Here your chance to make big history, Republican organize crime loses and you as an independent win, its that simple, defect now thats the only way to follow the 9/11 truth seekers.. Organize crime within the Republican Party are the one to blame for the CIA and FBI false Flag attack that took place on 9/11. We all know the Republican Party is an organize crime organization responsible for crimes committed against humanity. The Iraq War was a crime against humanity. The war in Afganistan was a crime against humanity started by the Republican Party, even the conflict that was started in Ukrian was started by the Banksters in the Republican Part, John McCain was the one responsible for the infighting that took place in Ukraine. We know the United State Republician Party represent the 1%, they are the 1% of the secreat socierties in the united state that own and operate the Republican party, but the big question is how do we going about in changing that status quo at this critial juncture where corporatism organize crime money of the 1% had paid for the corruption of the entire political process in the United State. For example, the political out come of this midterm election was rig to favor the Republican Party to take control over the Senate and it was orchestrated by the 1%, organize crime Citizen United that allowed corporation to pump hundreds of million of dollar into this midterm election which is the main copra responsible for voter descent. Thats right! it was organize criminals within the ranking file of the Republican Party along with organize crime nonprofit organization that was responsible for the brainwashing of the American public --- we are talking about FoxNews and CNN owned and operated by organize criminals ---- its no wonder way they voted Republican, they want kick back corruption money to the state were these Senate race was held as a political payoff and there was a lot of money spent that did not in anyway represented the public interest, it was all about reelection and putting in corruption. Thje United States midterm election was an organize crime election inside job control by big corruption money from the 1%. Where those senate election were held the general public had no say what so ever in who would be the best candidate elected. It was all controlled by organize crime money. Is that what you want to represent then I ask each and ever member of the Republician Party in both house. Do you stand with the 99% motto for 2016 that said kill the Republican Party: thats right! help us kill the Republican Party in the United State thats the most important thing come election 2016 ---- we all know the Republican Party in the United State is an organize crime political party for the 1%. Had enough then join the 99% in killing the Republician Party now, thats what I am saying here --- your defection from the Republician Party is priceless. We want to know what you would like to represent if you leave the Republican Party now. Would you represent honesty in moral judgement not this stupid Republican ethnic cleansing on anything they can get their hands on. Would you as a defector of the Republican Party would have respect for international law, not this stupid Republican immoral disrespect for international laws we see today coming out of the United State Senate and Congress. Would you as a Republician defector respect free and fare election because thats what this U.S. midterm election represent; republician organize crime anyway you look at it. If you as a Republician defector dont stand for justice then you dont stand for anything the 99% represent. Join us as we the 99% want to kill the Republican. We the 99% want the international prosecution of former U.S. Present George Bush, his father, his son, and his bother for comitting crimes against humanity, and I say it over and over again ---- Do you stand with stupid or Do you stand for moral international justice in helping the global community prosecuting member of the Israeli government that paid members of the Republician party to go against the wishes of the 99% --- the American public are demanding a answer from those within the Republican who wants to defect. We the 99% need your help and we want you to defect now --- we are Anonymous --- we are and we the underground new outlet of the world --- we are all wanting to hear from you: you either stand for stupidity or you stand for more justice its your choice and if need help from the 99% to defect from the Republican Party then I hope I made a big difference in your life, I am here to help you to defect from the Republican Party --- I am here to help those who want to defect from the U.S. military industrial complex control over U.S. domestic politic --- if you got secret about corruption and organize crime within the United States government then we are here to help you --- if you are willing to defect we are willing to support you in helping create an independant separate party away from the United States Republican Party ---- and Remembrer you are the one who can make a different. Join us --- we are Occupy global ---- we are ---- we are Anonymous and November 5th was the day that we stated we will fight back, this is just the being ---- join us as we kill the United State Republican Party right now and into the 2016 presidential election --- if there anything this midterm election have proved is that we the 99% can kill the Republician Party we just dont pull out we fight back even if that means fighting back harder then what we have been saying ----- just watch and see how we are going to do it for the next two you and remember the only opposition force against the Republican Party right now is PPSI all that is PPSI with the help of several thousand organization and groups --- we are all over the global and we have a bigger support base than what the Republican party represent --- its very simple we are the 99% and we want you to become apart of it, join us as we kill the Republican Party -- we dont get mad we get even --- V for ventetta against the United States Republician Party come 2016 --- we can defeat and we will defeat the Republican Party over international foreign policies even when it come to the next major election until the job is done ---- the Republican Party will cease to exist and will someday no longer be in power, thats what we the 99% want, we want the U.S. Republican Party out of the political process togetherness in the United State --- we are determing to present all the organize crime the United State Republican Party represent --- exspect us we are here right in your face. This is Occupy PPSI 11/8/14 I dont understand why the WTC 7 CNN video I made it is not the standard evidence for 9/11 Truth. While the bullshit video get all the glory while making the 9/11 Truth movement look like fools. Amy Goodman is right at the foot of WTC 7 and I never heard a single 9/11 Truth Member get the idea that she recorded the event first hand and has the evidence in her back pocket. CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Squibs Flashes Right in your FACE Update 3 https://youtube/watch?v=gF0jTfO168s CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Squibs Flashes Right in your FACE Update 3 lighting going on and off Thats my editing.. The flashes happen in milliseconds so I slowed them... YOUTUBE.COM LikeLike · · Share Seen by 3 Robert Brenton likes this. Robert Brenton Well Dan, If you were trying to cover up the greatest crime against the American People and Humanity in our history? Would you use your tape? Thanks for this. Appreciate it. CNN Televised WTC 7 Demolition Squibs Flashes Right in your FACE Update 3 lighting going on and off Thats my editing.. The flashes happen in milliseconds so I slowed them... YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 03:18:08 +0000

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