Heres something to pique your interests in history... and in - TopicsExpress


Heres something to pique your interests in history... and in prophecy. There is so much happening right now to set the stage for Christs return; and its very exciting! Or terrifying, I suppose, if you are unsure of your destination. The video is about a scroll discovered in 1952, that likely maps the location of the first & second Temple treasures. Also, theres a link at the bottom to the Temple Institute website, where you can read up on the progress of the coming Third Temple. Let me give you a quick overview. The Temple Institutes purpose is to prepare for and eventually construct the third temple. And why, you ask, is a third temple so important? Well, many Jews believe the Messiah hasnt come; that Jesus wasnt him. They are in error, of course, but the point is this - most believe the coming of the Mashiach or anointed one (he who will be crowned king) will be preceded by the rebuilding of a physical third temple (or that he may even have a hand in its rebuilding). Unfortunately, this belief sets them up for disaster, as the anti-christ will come bearing all the attributes they consider required in identifying him (Mashiach). And as some realize, and others might not realize (but better pay attention) - the rise of anti-christ ushers in the coming of the true Christ. No, I dont know if Jesus will come pre, mid, or post tribulation, and frankly, I dont care. The point is that everyone needs to make sure their loyalty lies with the true King of kings so they arent fooled by this imposter. Moving on... So in order to build the temple, Israel must have a access to the temple mount, right? It could happen one of several ways. One is through proof of birthright. So far every effort has been made my Muslims to hide any evidence that the temple mount (aka Mt. Moriah where the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque sit) was ever the location of the Jewish temple, or that a Jewish temple ever existed, for that matter. Finding the Holy items (as mapped out in the copper scroll) that were once housed in the first temple (garments, vessels, vestments, etc) would be proof of birthright and possibly shift control of the temple mount to the Jews, who could therefore build the temple on the site. Of course other possibilities exists, like perhaps a peace treaty (yeah, that one) that allows the construction to occur. Either way, everything is prepared. The Levitical priests are trained and ready. The priestly garments, the vessels and vestments have been re-made. The red heifer awaits. This isnt Indiana Jones, or a book of fiction. It is our current reality and evidence that we are, in fact, living in the last days. You need to know this because this is all likely to happen in your lifetime. Of course no one is sure of the day or hour - God only - but He made us aware of the signs and seasons (and commanded we be alert) and friend, were in it. Links to The Temple Institute and to the Copper Scroll Project are listed below. I hope you enjoy exploring them as much as I did. ~ Kristi copper-scroll-project
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:01:18 +0000

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