Heres the links to the Klein-Jaccard debate. Those of you who - TopicsExpress


Heres the links to the Klein-Jaccard debate. Those of you who practice sociology can comment: Naomi Klein on Facebook: “Great response from economist Peter Victor to one of the more dishonest smears of my book.” Touchy, touchy, Naomi. Her new blockbuster book: This Changes Everything: Capitlism What every literary event needs is a storm of controversy after all. Maybe you should be thanking SFU’s Mark Jaccard for stirring the pot. He gives an ideological response to your book. His case does lean heavily on what Naomi Klein did wrong. And he talks less about the ways that capitalism, ‘business-as-usual’ as it is most-often called, will correct for climate change and environmental overuse. Fascinating because Jaccard has a pretty strong record of climate action in his own right. Mark Jaccard, a professor of sustainable energy at Simon Fraser University and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, was arrested along with several others late Saturday evening following a day-long protest in the 15000 block of Marine Drive. ( Personally I doubt if Jaccard did much jail time. But he really takes exception to Klein’s assertion that capitalism will absolutely resist the changes needed to deal with climate change. Fascinating. Then look at what comes next. Peter Victor gives a great rebuttal. Victor adds his own critiques: “The fossil fuel industry is not leading the transition to renewables. Instead, it seeks access to more remote and environmentally damaging sources of fossil fuels and the relaxation of environmental protections. Energy prices do not adequately reflect environmental and social costs in their production and use, which favour fossil fuels, and no one can make monopoly profits by owning the sun and wind.” Be sure to read the editor’s notes below the Peter Victor’s column too. Kinda explains why Naomi calls it “smear”. In any case, the beginning of an interesting debate.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:15:30 +0000

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