Heres the official word -- we were given a bucket of lemons today, - TopicsExpress


Heres the official word -- we were given a bucket of lemons today, but we are making some of the best lemonade you have ever tasted. Britton does have a tear in his right meniscus, to what extend Dr. Ramsey is not sure. He said a possible option could be to pass up surgery, try to rehab, and go from there. But any more hits or wrong twist would result in a complete tear and no more meniscus. The fact that he gave us that option sounded good even though everyone in the room started shaking their heads saying no way Jose. And the best news is that he had an opening tomorrow morning so we will speed back up there and put him in at 10 am. He said depending on the extent of the tear would determine how long hell be out, but he thought 6-8 weeks. Britton had already calculated when district started and his first words were thats fine, as long as Im ready for district and more importantly post season play. So he is upbeat, we are upbeat, and we are praising God for taking care of him and not making it any worse than what it was. Weve had some great messages and even greater prayer for him. You can start again in the morning. Hopefully they can work him in late morning or earlier afternoon. We go back on Friday for post op and then rehab starts ASAP. We have a great trainer in Doug Rhodes and a fabulous surgeon in Jason Ramsey. Thanks again.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 01:20:44 +0000

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