Heres the problem with playing the victim: when people genuinely - TopicsExpress


Heres the problem with playing the victim: when people genuinely try to help you, you get so caught up in playing the victim that you dont even recognize it. You stop looking for the Truth and you start using ANYTHING YOU CAN in order to remain the victim. People often do this for sympathy. I know people like this. They lie, twist the truth, omit information, will get other people in trouble by lying on them, will talk about people behind their back using lies and rumors to justify their actions, etc., all for sympathy. When youre used to dealing with people like this, you know how they play the game. The problem with these types of people is that they are snakes. They remain hidden and strike at you while your back is turned. I got something to show you. Consider this conversation about gay rights. As an ally to the LGBT community, I would think Im a valuable asset to have, as I am straight. However, I get told here that its NOT OK FOR ME TO BE PROUD OF WHO I AM, simply because the person Im arguing with is gay, and they believe they dont have the same amount of rights that straight people have. In short, after making this chump looks stupid, I was told that I was useless to the LGBT cause--that I wasnt needed. All because I believe that I have a right to be proud of being STRAIGHT. You CAN NOT bring about equality with inequality. The true definition of equality means that everything is equal--across the board. I shouldnt have to give up my rights so that you can have yours. I shouldnt have to give up my beliefs simply because Im fighting for yours or so that you can believe what you want. Its long, but worth it. Ill talk more about this in a little.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:00:19 +0000

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