Heres the thing - we have been supporting Israel - for a long, - TopicsExpress


Heres the thing - we have been supporting Israel - for a long, long time now - sending billions to them every year. Most Americans have had little information about what is really going on with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict -- now with the advent of the internet and social media - more information has come to light. It is not just as simple as Israel defending itselt as many of us thought in the past. If the Palestinians were occupying Israeli territory and denying Israelis their basic human rights in the same way we would be railing against that too. The U.S. has been mucking around with other countries in the middle-east and killing on mass levels to keep Palestine from uniting to protect our monied interests too - and now weve created the rabid dog that is ISIS that cant be controlled. By backing Israel in their encroaching occupation of Palestinian territory and taking down leaders in the middle east and generally trying to muck with Palestinian unity, killing innocents and not allowing these people to choose their own governments, weve incited millions of Palestinians to become American-hating terrorists bent on our destruction. We cant continue the status quo. It may be too far gone to stop it, but as long as my tax dollars are paying for this insanity I am obligated speak out against it. Its blood for money and the U.S. needs to stop mucking around in this or the danger to all of us will continue to accelerate. Israel and Palestine must come to agreement to stop encroaching on each others land. There are Israelis who want to wipe Palestinians off the map as well - the hatred is on both sides. The money grubbing needs to stop and serious peace talks need to begin with ALL players included. And the U.S. needs to stop throwing gasoline on the fire. It is those who profit from this that need to be addressed first. Everything after that is just the result of the profiteering.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 23:19:48 +0000

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