Hers is a meditation by Jackson Peterson that helps one toward - TopicsExpress


Hers is a meditation by Jackson Peterson that helps one toward simply being. Recognizing the Ever Present Clear Light Here is a method that I have found very useful in recognizing our Clear Light nature of awareness. It’s based on the premise that our current awareness or consciousness is already pure and perfect just as it is. Its never been afflicted or defiled, but various afflicted or negative thoughts, stories, self-identities and perceptions appear within it and can create the impression that the clear aware nature is itself afflicted. This is like reflections that appear in the transparent glass of a mirror. The mirror is always unaffected. Our Clear Light awareness is like the mirror except it has no substance or material quality of its own, like the glass of the mirror does. Instead it is just an empty space of pure knowingness. This clear space of knowing exists right along with our perceptions and mental phenomena, but is usually not noticed or fathomed. Here’s how we can get into the space directly and experientially: Find a comfortable seat and relax. Close your eyes. Notice the various thoughts that are arising in your space of awareness within. Observe that the thoughts and images come and go. Consider these appearances to be the mind’s “content”. Next notice that the “content” is appearing in your inner space of awareness and that the inner space of awareness seems to be completely empty and void of any content of its own. Like the empty clear glass of the mirror, the content as reflections just arise and disappear within the “context” of your clear and empty awareness. Notice this empty and clear aspect of your awareness. Now notice the content. Sense that the contents are appearing and self-releasing from moment to moment but your clear space of awareness is unchanged throughout. Switch back and forth several times between noticing the content and the context in which it is appearing. A subtle wisdom of discernment will arise in which it is noticed that all the content has no permanent basis and just arises and releases continuously revealing the content’s empty nature from moment to moment. Notice that this arising and releasing of mental contents is occurring within the context of your empty space of inner awareness. Like images appearing within a crystal glass ball. For the purposes of this exercise consider your empty awareness to be like a sphere of crystal space the size of your skull and all the appearances are appearing within that sphere, like reflections appear in a mirror, but the clear glass of the sphere remains unchanged. As you engage this practice of discerning the empty space of clear awareness as differentiated from its contents, the natural qualities of the empty space of awareness will begin to begin to arise in the form of insights and wisdom. Previously the mind had identified the contents with the contextual space of awareness in such a way that the mind developed the idea that you were an “object”, an identity, a permanent entity. But it’s now revealed that what you are is this empty clear space of pristine awareness in which all your creative potentials appear and disappear non-dualistically due to their own inherent emptiness. There exists just this non-dual field of “unestablished” emptiness, vivid, alert and self-arising in its perpetual display. Again, close your eyes and notice your inner space of empty awareness. Sense the immaculate and untainted quality of vivid emptiness. It’s always been pristine and flawless like a diamond. True subjectivity is only this empty and “unestablished” space of pristine awareness. It’s never changed over time. Everything arises within it like a day dream arises in the mind of the day dreamer, but the mind of the day dreamer remains the same as it was as before the day dream appeared. All negative and positive thoughts, personal identities and afflicted states just arise and release in this pristine and perfect empty aware space. Practice with this exercise again and again until the natural wisdoms of this pristine awareness begin to arise and cause a radical shift in perspective. Suddenly instead of being as though you are a reflection appearing in the mirror, it is recognized that you are the mirror (empty awareness) itself. It is this recognition that triggers all the wisdoms of the mirror-like awareness to arise. Some may say “there is no mirror”. That is correct, no words can describe your nature accurately. The mirror is just a metaphor. Close your eyes again and notice your inner space of awareness. Do you have a center? Do you have a boundary? Is there any division between your awareness and the sounds you are hearing? Can anything obstruct this inner empty space of awareness? How could it? Whatever could be an obstruction is just an empty arising within the pristine space of your awareness. In this way you realize you have always been free of afflictions and karma. Nothing can alter or damage this pristine space of Knowing Clear Light that you are. The “content” is mind. The context is the Nature of Mind. Now that the Nature of Mind has been clearly pointed out and experienced, now simply rest as your True Nature. Jackson Peterson
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:03:24 +0000

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