Hey North Gate Children’s Church Helper! Thank you so much for - TopicsExpress


Hey North Gate Children’s Church Helper! Thank you so much for saying YES to being put on a rotational teaching and helper volunteer schedule. We have the Idea to have you all for a luncheon, three Sundays from now, after our Sunday the 13th of October’s morning gathering. This meeting is to introduce you to Stephanie Alexander, if you don’t already know her, who so graciously has volunteered to be the coordinator of this wonderful ministry, and to introduce you to each other. Our plan is to have a lunch and Children’s Church business meeting. Here we will discuss your responsibilities and how the schedule works. North Gate Church believes that our children are very important and with all of your help we will see our children brought up in the ways of the Lord for the Kingdom of God. We need all of you to be there, so as to assure the proper training for this vital part of what we do as the body of Christ. I am hoping that telling you this far in advance will give you ample time to schedule it and be able to be apart. We will have lunch start at 12:30 pm and be done before 2 pm. I will begin to start the meeting while you are eating and this will make it possible to get all business done quickly and you out the door to do what ever you need to do for the rest of that Sunday. It is going to be fun and I cannot wait to see us working together for the purposes of the Kingdom. Here is how we would like to handle the lunch. North Gate will take care of the main course while we are hoping we could ask each of you to bring something to complement it, i.e. chips and dip, salads, and dessert. We will have a list of your names so that we could solidify what you will bring before hand. Again, we thank you so much for your time and your ministry to these young people. Please confirm your attendance by messaging me back on face book. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (KJV)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:48:50 +0000

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