Hey all, Ive been part of this group for some months now but - TopicsExpress


Hey all, Ive been part of this group for some months now but havent been overly active. I was nvr a patient I was a caretaker and our fight is over. My best friend of 20+ yrs was diagnosed w osteosarcoma last year memorial day weekend at the age of 28. She had a mass the size of a soccer ball on her left hip and it had spread to get lungs she was stage 4 when they found it and had her in chemo that week. Unfortunately nothing had any effect on it she declined quickly and passed 3 months later on Sept 6. This is a very emotional time for us I feel like Im counting the days and Im reliving the emotions. Worse off all the unthinkable has happened just this week after a month of Dr visits and complaints of muscle pains her little brother age 26 was diagnosed w Ewing sarcoma. Scans are scheduled on Wed but they know he has a mass filling 3/4 of his right lung we dont know if its anywhere else yet. He was sent to the same Dr his sister seen were not overly optimistic w her abilities. Hes already declining hes lost 20+ lbs hes skin color is more grey hes sleeping a lot its hard for him to get around. They plan on putting him on chemo soon and said surgery isnt an option at this time. Were in Indiana where would you advise we go? Who do we see? What options are out there? Please help us with any advice. Thank you for reading all of this and for anything you can share.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 02:08:47 +0000

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