Hey folks, Bob again. Religion News Service did a story on how - TopicsExpress


Hey folks, Bob again. Religion News Service did a story on how Hollywood is turning to the Bible to come up with movie ideas. After Mel Gibsons “Passion of Christ” blockbuster success a few years ago and the History Channels recent ratings blockbuster mini-series “The Bible”, Hollywood is finally seeing the money making opportunities in Scripture. A follow up to “The Bible” mini-series is being developed called “Son of God”, but this time, for theatrical release. In March is the release of the Biblical epic “Noah” starring Russell Crowe. Some other Hollywood projects being discussed are “Exodus” starring Christian Bale as Moses, a film about Pontius Pilate, rumored to possibly star Brad Pitt, Will Smiths “The Redemption of Cain” about Cain and Abel, and others. Im curious what you all think about Hollywood going to the Bible for movie ideas. Ill level with you, I have mixed emotions. On one hand, I like the idea of Hollywood introducing Bible stories to a wide secular audience and I also like the idea of Hollywood treating the Bible as culturally relevant and interesting.......but....on the other hand, I am very concerned about how Hollywood will treat these stories theologically. I dont mind “creative license” per se. After all, Charleton Heston in the Ten Commandments was an all time classic, but if were honest, Cecil B. Demille did take some creative license with the Biblical accounts of Moses life. However, that creative license did not, in any way, alter key doctrines and beliefs or affect theology. Im NOT so confident in todays Hollywood to trust the in how they will present various Biblical accounts. Will the “God of the Old Testament” be portrayed as cruel and overbearing? Will Darwinian Evolution be worked in somehow? Will they feature difficult Bible stories that confuse people and present God in the worst possible light? I dont know. Maybe Im just being too pessimistic. What do you all think? Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing that Hollywood is planning on creating a bunch of movies from Bible stories? What do you all think? religionnews/2013/10/23/hollywood-looks-bible-screenplay-potential/
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:44:09 +0000

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