Hey guys! So my B&Ptv Body & Pole Online Class is THIS FRIDAY at - TopicsExpress


Hey guys! So my B&Ptv Body & Pole Online Class is THIS FRIDAY at NOON!!! I wanted to prepare some of you who are planning on taking the class LIVE or ON DEMAND replay on how to make the most of this class in this unique online experience. Here are some tips! PS. So excited for my assistants who are joining me this Friday, including Pole Speaker Irmingard Mayer and Current Silver Medal Mens APC Champ (and NAPA finalist) Rommel Pierre Ochoa - both gorgeous movers who will be a great example for you to get some inspiration from. 1. Control your lighting Due to the nature of our video requirements, we must have bright, unshadowed lighting so that you can get the clear instruction you need - but that is not always the ideal environment for the freestyler. For your home/studio, I recommend warm or dim lighting. Turn your dimmers down, use table or floor lamps with a warm bulb, or if you have special LED or colored lights, that can be really great too. If none if this is an option for you, lights OFF is always amazing. Play around and make your room special and inviting! 2. Have your music ready I will have music prepared for class, but due to your computer/TV setup this may not work well for you to truly hear it as loudly as you need. Either plan ahead of time to have the speakers and volume you want hooked up to the B&Ptv stream, or plan some tunes on your playlists to experiment with on your sound system (by either muting us or pausing the stream). 3. Love your clothing The way you move can be influenced by the way your clothes or appearance feel. Be conscious of those choices, the way you wear your hair, the layers of clothing you have available - this can help maximize the various exercises from class. You may want to have socks or leg warmers hand for floor moves, shorts for aerial moves, hoodies to go INWARD, heels to go OUTWARD, etc. etc. Fabrics and dance-wear favorites will make you feel great. 4. PAUSING power I will be conducting the class in the best way possible for a stream, but you should decide ahead of time how it is best to experience it for you. Do you want to simply watch the stream first, and experience this class as lecture-based, taking notes and figuring out which exercises you want to explore? Do you want to participate every step of the way, and then make note of which exercises to dive deeper into free time? Do you want to use the PAUSE feature in replay so that you can listen first, then freestyle, then come back to the class to move forward to the next exercise? All these will work fine, just figure out which is best for you. Have a notebook handy for notes, many of the tips and exercises you may want to write down to digest later. 5. VIDEO everything In my Finding Your Freestyle class, I use myself and the other classmates as OBSERVERS. You must have an observer to truly experience the process, so that you are getting the tangible feedback you need to further you movement and experience. Since this is an online class, your video camera/iPhone/iPad can be your observer! This tool can be used to review your exercises, so that you can see what went well, what you loved, what you may need to to work on, etc. This is the visual feedback part of the process, and is imperative if you want to take your freestyle practice to the next level! And dont be nervous is video is new for you, it gets easier with time, everyone has to start somewhere. :) Try one exercise and build up from there if you are hesitant. Many people are pleasantly surprised by their own videos, and how quickly it becomes more comfortable. This is a private tool for you, no need to share. :)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 21:36:09 +0000

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