Hey guys, lets be real here for a second, ok? There is ALWAYS - TopicsExpress


Hey guys, lets be real here for a second, ok? There is ALWAYS rejection involved in owning a business. Always. Even people who you think have made it will be rejected somewhere along the way. I got rejected today and I immediately felt HORRIBLE about it. But then I remembered...Im not a huge fan of Banana Republic, but they arent hurting in any way by me not shopping there. Or Macys. Boy, Im really not a fan of Macys but hey, theyre still hitting their year end numbers.... My point: people will either love you or hate you, and thats ok! If they dont like your business now, maybe their mind will change some time in the future, maybe not. Maybe they will never like you, but that doesnt mean that other people dont LOVE you. Focus on those people who are excited about your brand, about your future, and toss away those who dont. Not in a malicious way, but in a we all have the right to have an opinion way. Just smile, extend love and graciousness and carry on. And try not to let it get you down. I really, really understand that its hard. But your day will come with someone else who will be so much better suited for your brand. And when you get to the top someday, remember how this rejection feels and do your best to be kind to the brands who reach out to you, but you dont stylistically connect with. Because remember... that was you... not too long ago. Hope that helps! Big hugs friends and carry on! xoxo
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:15:26 +0000

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