Hey guys so I wrote a short story about one of my favorite - TopicsExpress


Hey guys so I wrote a short story about one of my favorite characters in league. Tell me what you guys think. -Diana felt a surge of energy as she stepped out from her chambers and into the night. Lifting her head to the stars she breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the moonlight caress her skin. She had tried numerous times to show her brethren the beauty of a moonlit night but most were too afraid to be seen with her. Born to worship the Sun along with her Solari brethren she had always felt lost beneath it’s light. Told that the Sun brought light and truth to the world and that she was to devote her life to praising and giving thanks for it’s gifts. But the Solari could not hide the truths she had seen. For she saw what the Sun could do to those that denied it’s power. Great seas of sand, searing land laid waste where the earth cracked and broke beneath your feet. She could not devote her life to a power that left the very dirt barren and lifeless. So she searched and searched for years and years in secret all the while her kin looked at her with disdain. She had always been different, looking back now she knew that. Her hair did not turn to a golden yellow like so many of her Solari brothers and sisters but instead a soft pale white like the light of the stars. If not for the looks they would get from their kin many a soldier would’ve asked her out by now. But alas she had no friends or family here. The closest she had come to a friend was a young girl her age that had risen through the ranks. Leona had defended her when she was only a girl. Telling the other Solari that children of the sun didn’t pick on others. That had been the only time someone had shown her kindness here. She looked up again into the moonlight as those memories left proof of her pain on her cheek. Wasted tears she thought. Besides, she had a mission that night. She had found what looked to be a map in an old tome that seemed to lead to a lost temple on Mount Teragon. Wiping away the tears she set off into the darkness. The map lead her to a clearing and to what seemed to be the ruins of an old Solari temple. Diana paused at entrance and almost cried out for joy. For the temple door had a full moon at the center and traced into stone all around it were the phases of the moon. Leaning her hands on the door she gave a silent prayer of thanks before pushing her weight into it, filling the temple with moonlight. She had never seen such a beautiful place. Intricate patterns of the stars and celestial beings were set in stone all along the floors and walls. Tapestries hung from the ceiling that told stories of it’s followers were torn and faded. She was lost within them until a cloud moved across the moon igniting an altar with starlight. And glowing atop the altar were the words, “Those who see the truth in the night sky, will live eternally in the stars.” Reading the words aloud Diana could feel the ground beneath her feet shift and change. The altar shifted as a staircase leading down into darkness gave way. More curious than anything she set down them. The room beneath the altar was almost an exact mirror of the chamber above except the carving along the walls and floor glowed with moonlight. This placed was filled with treasures and relics all engraved with the sigil of the moon. All gifts from the moon to it’s children. Among the various trinkets and relics she found a blade. Tracing her hand over the crescent shape it seemed to come alive in her hands. The ornate suit of armor beside it seemed more like a work of art than anything else. But after touching the steel she doubted a blade would be able to pierce it. This was it. This is what she had searched for. What she had endured years or derision and punishment for. Years of pain and loneliness, worth it to see this place. Clad in the ornate armor and bearing the crescent blade she returned to her temple Elders that night. She called forth the council telling them of the great temple she had found and the chamber with all the treasures beneath. She waited for them to speak almost crying from excitement. “ You dare bring those tools of blasphemy into our sacred temple?” spat one of the Elders. “What do you mean,” she asked shocked. “ I thought if I brought you proof-“ “ Proof of what? Proof that your heretic brethren shut out the suns light?” shouted an Elder back at her. “My brethren?” Diana asked confused. “You’ve found nothing but the words and trinkets of corrupted minds. You’ve chosen to reject the truth and guidance of the Sun, the one that has given you light. for the moon? The moon has no power. The moon did not protect it’s people when the time came.” “What do you mean,” Diana cried out, “What happened to them?” The Sun has no mercy for those that deny it as the one true source. Guards,” the Elder motioned, “ detain this heretic.” Diana cried out in protest as she was dragged out to the courtyard. She was chained to a post until the Council and her brethren could be called to witness. She could feel the eyes of her brethren watching her. Some were filled with pity but most were empty, void of emotion. And why would they care. Most hadn’t given her the time of day let alone a glance or word of friendship. She had always been alone here, alone amongst the murderers of her people. Why hadn’t they told her. “You are to be put to death Diana. For electing to deny the Sun’s gifts of light and truth and therefor forfeit your life as penance. Do you have anything to say heretic?” asked the Solari Elder. Diana looked around to her people, the Solari. The looks of disdain and hate she had always seen growing up were no different this night. “ I had only wanted acceptance from you all she said as tears welled up in her eyes. She had fought all her life to be accepted as one of them. Only to be chained to a post and condemned to death with only cold silence from her kin. No, not her kin she realized. The Solari executioner raised the axe high above his head. Crying out in hatred she raised her head to the night sky. “Save me,” she demanded. A silent promise of revenge for her real people. Moonlight burst forth shattering her chains. Sending the executioner’s axe into the chest of one of the Solari Elders. The Solari stepped back in shock as Diana turned to face them. The tears that had been running down her face were now evaporating into mist as lunar light twisted and danced across her form, marking her head with the symbol of a crescent moon. The beam of light stopped suddenly and with its departure Diana became the first Lunari seen on Mount Teragon in ages. Lifting her crescent blade the Solari Elders had no time to scream before the moons wraith cut short their screams. “I’ve never found peace in the Sun’s light. Only judgement that burns and blinds. Look to the stars and see the one true light.” -Diana Lunari
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:59:38 +0000

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