Hey lovely ladies, Im pretty sure I have meet almost all of - TopicsExpress


Hey lovely ladies, Im pretty sure I have meet almost all of you but for those of you who dont know me, I am Mallori Ann Ferguson! I am a Junior Organizational Leadership major and I went through recruitment in the fall of my sophomore year after transferring to Wright State. When I transferred I knew about 5 people here and they were all of my boyfriends friends and my roommate from my hometown so I needed to make new friends. I wanted to go through recruitment to meet new people and have a resume builder but what I got was way more than what I expected and I would never change it in anyway. Before recruitment even started I already liked Alpha Xi Delta because of their Philanthropy, Autism Speaks, but going recruitment I kept an open mind to make sure I found a home where I belonged. Every time I went into Alpha Xi Deltas room I light up, the women I spoke to were so amazing and I felt like I have known them for years and I could tell they were being real with me and not putting on a show. I loved that they remembered my name and made me feel welcome every time I was there. At the end of the week I knew for a fact that AXiD was were I belonged. Since becoming a member of Alpha Xi Delta I have gained way more than friends and a resume builder... I have gained a family, a home-away-from-home, best friends, roommates, a love for something greater than myself and I so much more. At first I was very shy and only talked to a few people but the girls I surround myself with made me open up and come out of my shell. Not only do I have friends in my chapter but all the other sororities as well! I also have had the opportunity to hold different positions and become a leader inside and outside of the chapter. I am currently the new member orientation chair and if you become a member of Alpha Xi you get the pleasure of spending 7 weeks being taught the foundations and principals by me(: (: (: (: Becoming an Alpha Xi Delta has been the greatest decision I have made since coming to Wright State and I would not trade it for the world. I know that no matter where I go or no matter what I do I will always have someone to call, have my back, support me, lend a helping hand, talk to, and call a sister. Sorry for the super long post but I wanted to share that with you all!(: I have had a great time getting to talk to each of you and I hope you all have enjoyed getting to know us!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 03:42:17 +0000

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