Hey modern day Feminists. I dont hate women. ACTUALLY, I love - TopicsExpress


Hey modern day Feminists. I dont hate women. ACTUALLY, I love women. The ones that I cant stand are ones within your group that are so unbelievably extremist and ignorant that they have to go to a non-feminist run gender equality rights meeting and pull the fire alarm to disband them. Ones that do the same things as Muslim extremists and Christian Extremists; demanding the silence of everybody else and the exclusion to their right of freedom of speech. Here are some examples of some figureheads of the current movement, which have a surprising amount of backing and support from other feminists: First one is the actual event of which I just mentioned: youtube/watch?v=GO_X4DkwA_Q Second one is just a shrew and ill-mannered woman trying to force her preaching on others, and insulting them quite vulgarly when they try to get a word in to rebut (this is something that happened after the first videos events just transpired): youtube/watch?v=nvYyGTmcP80 (note how funny it is that she thinks that the people their group just pulled the fire alarm on thinks that they came there to listen to her, instead of... I dont know... going to the meeting they originally went there for, but were so rudely interrupted during.) Third one: https://youtube/watch?v=-XWjkqh85pw (I dont always try and do charity events, but when I do I insult and alienate half of the target demographic within the first 13 seconds of my video.) Well... I could go on, but I think you get the point. Actually, there are many individuals that can sum up this point much better, such as Youtubes own Thunderf00t. Two examples from his channel: youtube/watch?v=1T0GcHM0s4o youtube/watch?v=FWxAljFlb-c And if you dont like hearing it from a patriarchal misogynist chauvinistic pig, then here is another Youtuber, and some examples from their channel, who may more tickle your fancy. Her name is Karen Straughan. She is very well educated and her videos actually make you go wow, I never thought about it like that: youtube/watch?v=KBgcjtE0xrE youtube/watch?v=d-N9daqANcw Now I am not saying you have to go watch them, but it is only a recommendation. Normally I try to stay out of stupid discussions like this, because neither side will change their opinions, because nobody will ever change their opinions. All I am trying to say is, feminists; if you really want people to stop being so abrasive to your movement and feeling empathy for the problems you bring up, you have to stop being so abrasive yourselves. Like I said previously, Respect is a two way street. Dont be surprised when you find a car that refuses to drive off the road when you decide to drive in their lane, causing you two to get into a head-on collision. The narcissism and complete disregard of all forms of common courtesy from the individuals that actually get media attention/go to social events for their movement is quite disgusting. I must say that they get new figureheads or faces for their movement, which are not so batshit-insane/plain rude. The reason I suggest that is because I dont want feminism to fail as hard as it is currently headed for. Believe it or not, I actually do care about the rights and well-being of the gender which makes up 50% of our worlds populace. If you decide not to believe that statement, remember that I have a mother, and sisters, that I love very much and would not want any harm to come to. As a disclaimer: This is all my, and other shared individuals, opinion. If you dont like what I say or disagree, you are well within your rights to not agree. Just dont tell me that I cant say what I am gonna say because I should check my privilege.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 15:37:37 +0000

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