Hey there, I was at McDonalds and saw a man with a severely - TopicsExpress


Hey there, I was at McDonalds and saw a man with a severely swollen leg..It was so bad...He was hobbling with his walker. He got to the counter, and I raced him to it... I bought his breakfast, of which he was so thankful. Then I invited him to Calvary...Hes been there many times before...I told him that we are to reach out and minister to those around us... We are Jesus hands and feet....I asked him if he knew for sure he was going to heaven. He told me it was because of what Christ did for him on the cross...He has fallen away in his relationship with the LOrd...I told him that God was reaching out to him through me...God loves him so much..He told me hed go back to Calvary...I pray for this man and his heart.That he draws close to you, Jesus...Please give him wisdom to know what to do about his leg...I pray for divine healing of that leg. And that whatever he goes through he is confident of your love......and then Mamasita dos and I stopped at a yard sale...I asked a woman if she knew she was going to heaven...She said yes, but when I probed her she couldnt come up with the right answer.....I was able to share the gospel with her....She told me that shed been hurt a few years back and had become isolated..I encouraged her to love and forgive those that have hurt her.The first step is to pray for that person..to remember how much God loves us and has forgiven us...We are not to judge...Bless those who hurt us...Matthew 5:43-48.......I shared a few scriptures and she said that she knew God had brought me there and she needed to give the church another chance..I know that these encounters can make such a difference in peoples lives, for Gods glory.....With so much busyness, we can lose sight of all the hurt that is going on around us...So, .I pray that these encounters cause them to think about their relationship with you..May they draw closer to you, Lord....Give them the grace, God, to move in your direction...may they seek after you with their whole heart...May I thirst after you with a passion...and may all I do bring you honor and glory..Have a wonderful week...Pray for opportunities to minister to someone today..to pray with them...encourage them....Keep your eyes and heart open to the Holy Spirit and what He is doing...He is full of surprises....LOL.....
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:24:10 +0000

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