Hi Angus! I sent this message to Christopher Hudson last night - TopicsExpress


Hi Angus! I sent this message to Christopher Hudson last night and the information I discussed is something I think you should be aware of so Im copying it to you! BLESSINGS! L.R. Wilson Letter@Forerunner Chronicles: ******* Greetings fellow Watchman! Ezk 3:17-21 I hope your Sabbath was great, mine was :) I love the Lord. Last weekend, I saw the fantastic video of you and Angus T. Jones giving his testimony about Jesus. I wrote to Angus congratulating him on his amazing decision to follow Jesus! I am so excited to see Jesus working! The information Ill send after this note will be what I sent to him and it will be marked with *s. Any added information will be marked *( )*. ITS GOING TO BE A LOT OF INFORMATION, so PLEASE bear with me through it. Pray and be led by the Spirit because its heavy info. I also took a look at some of your other videos and I am IMPRESSED with your work. It takes a LOT to be faithful and spread Gods message. We live in a dark, blind and deaf world who HATES light. I want to suggest something to you that I saw as missing in your video messages (ALL info I send is intended to UPLIFT Gods Word, not to bring negativity). He wants everyone in the Kingdom and I want whatever He wants. The message of HOPE is missing from your communication in the video. While it is important to stress to lukewarm believers the necessity of deciding to live for Jesus, it is equally important to tell them what they can DO to make the situation right and protect themselves and their families. Jesus has ALWAYS given His people a way out of any situation they may face. While the FINAL decision is His and the Fathers, we still have instructions to FAST, REPENT & ask for MERCY on behalf of a sinful people. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If MY PEOPLE WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME, SHALL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS; then will I HEAR FROM HEAVEN AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND. When He began to show me the truth and all the drama connected to it, I was tripping on what could be done and I had many moments of panic and despair because we know God has written whats to come upon us in the latter days. The world deserves to be destroyed, America especially because were so disobedient and sinful. As I continued to study, the Holy Spirit showed me times in the Bible where people were given a chance to be saved through humbling and denying themselves before God. I sincerely feel this option is STILL AVAILABLE to us today if we would only USE IT. Before the last presidential election I found out about fasting and I wanted to DO something within my power that could help the country against the enemies in Washington/White House. As a Army veteran, its easy to think about the possibility of taking up arms to defend the land but as a Servant of Jesus, its not that easy to consider doing anything that violent because thats not how the Lord gets down and I OBEY HIM. Hes NOT cool with his people using violence to solve their problems UNLESS He orders it nor is He down with us solving problems on our own. So if instead of using a gun to defend the country WHY NOT SEEK GOD & use the tools that others have successfully used before God? Praying is a WAY easier than having bullets flying around you. Examples: Abraham - asked God for mercy @Sodom if 10 righteous were found. Gen 18 Moses- fasted and prayed to God not to destroy the children @ Golden Calf. Ex 32 God- Commanded Israel to fast every year for their sin on the Day of Atonement. Lev 23:26-32, Isa 58 Esther- fasted for 3 days to save Israel from Haman. Esther 4 Ninevah- fasted to keep from being destroyed. Jonah 3 Nehemiah- prayed for Israel to rebuild the city in Gods leadership. Nem 1 Elijah- prayed for rain. 1 Kings 18 David- fasted for the life of his child (God said no but he STILL ASKED) 2 Samuel 12. THE PROPHETS prayed for the people that God spare the remnant of the faithful. Jer, Ezk, Isa, Dan. continued ...........
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 19:34:38 +0000

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