Hi Buddys, Im in love... .with the idea that ordinary people - TopicsExpress


Hi Buddys, Im in love... .with the idea that ordinary people can do extraordinary things once they start believing they can. ...with the notion that we all have some unique version of genius within us, begging to see the light of day. ...with the principle that great things inevitably happen to people who consistently do good things. ...with the philosophy that our lives do not reflect lucky breaks but hard work and massive focus. ...with the rule that being kind is never a mistake. ...with the habit of relentlessly delivering more than is expected. ...with the regimen of living in a way that honors what you believe to be right, even if the world laughs loudly at you. ...with the prescription of doing one thing each day to make your character stronger, and your heart bigger. ...with the concept that good manners and personal excellence never goes out of style. ...with the truth that our lives reflect what weve settled for, not what we deserve. ...with the insight of just because youve never done it before doesnt mean you cant do it today. And I need to appreciate a large group of brave people... Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has joined my wildly popular new online course Extreme Achievement Formula (EAF) over the past few weeks... ...I cant keep it open much longer so if youre ready to learn how superachievers think, what strategies they run and the simple tactics that have created their productive, happy, healthy and rich lives, you really need to join us TODAY. It comes with a 100% money-back 30 day guarantee and is being offered right now for a ridiculously low price because I want as many people as possible to be able to benefit from this ultra-valuable course. Get one of the remaining memberships now Thats it for today. Need to get back to writing my new book. Hope alls superb with you. Speak soon, P.S. Our lives are mostly a reflection of our choices. To see new and better results, make new and better choices... ...joining EAF is a choice that will take your life from where it now is to where youve always wanted it to be. I want to help you fly...its up to YOU now. BY ROBIN SHORMA
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 13:27:12 +0000

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