🌟Hi Everyone 🌟 🌟I Hope you are all staying strong I am - TopicsExpress


🌟Hi Everyone 🌟 🌟I Hope you are all staying strong I am also facing lots of change but each day Im finding this transition is making me so strong and the awareness given by guide is hard to put into words x 💞 This is very much a time for reflection and rest .....so we can really bring forth all we need to let go so the new can begin xx 💞 At this moment in time my guide tells me our new blueprints /soul contracts are being created so this is why all may feel like turmoil ...those who are ready for this transition will know within as we are all on different stages of our journey ....💞 Its been a time of feeling vulnerable and the only really guidance we will ever find is from within and by trusting the divine intervention we get stronger daily with the actions we take xx 💞 I only said to my friend last night I find it hard to put this experience into words as it is so vast ... The energy coming here for is all is so massive it covers every single meaning and part of our exsistence up to now xx 👽 I feel Xmas eve this year at 12;00 is so important this is when the new earth will finally fully be ignited and the new frequency is available to all of humanity ....the consciousness on the planet is going to be so high on this day very much the same as the 11:11:14 portal activation 🌟 We have been working and adjusting on this grid mainly since August following the lions gate 8:8 x The Christ consciousness energy is here for us all so I am getting guided to complete all I need to by 12:00 midnight on Xmas eve .... Bit like before handing it all in to the universe ... We know the actions we need to take to adjust to this major life changes .... Many will need time out from spiritual work as we are being reprogrammed and need to fully ground on the new earth ..... My guide tells me the main activation programme will come again in march 2015 for those who need to rest at the moment ....💞 This is just touching the tip of my recent experiences and I know by Xmas Eve myself as well as many others will have completed a very important mission .....we have had to experience all to do the job .... To make the change in our own families re the generation process this is now having a effect ....are you finding family members are acting strangely out of character ....??? As well as our grid work ...finances .. Health ...self ...family... Career ... Literally everything has been turned upside down and shaken up like a snow globe .... This is a time of really working with you ....this can not be put into words as its so deep the knowing and the awareness that we are receiving ......💞 We will be needed to help bring others over to this new earth as they too evolve .....but in the meantime listen to yourself ....take time for you ....be proud of your achievements ....💞 All I have seen and known in nearly the last 40 years on a physical level has nearly all gone ....I have been stripped bare but in this process the knowing I now have of myself ...the changes I know I need to make are mind blowing ..... Main awareness code realities ::: They are being repeated time and time again until we finally get it .... We think we conquered these codes this year ....we didnt now are the final touches ....... Balance who you give your energy too Allow yourself to receive Speak and live your truth Look at your own personal family generation soul group and become aware of your purpose in this and what you have needed to do will slowly come to light ...we were needed to make this change and bring this frequency of light for our children Trust and believe in divine intervention when it comes to finances ...we are provided for by the universe if its for our highest good Breakthrough fear Look at those in your energy space detach from any energies that no longer serve you for your highest good Have self worth and respect Listen to you and rest ....so the reprogramming can be activated Travel light only bring forth knowledge from lessons and that will all reflect from self love These words are just a few of the transition that are needed for self those who are in this energy space at this time will know where I am coming from .....💞 Here is a message my guide gave me a while back I kept it as it was so memorable ....absorb these words into your consciousness and I wish you all peace and love and Im sure many of us will connect on a telepathic level this year on Wednesday 24th December at midnight it will be a feeling of finally being home ...the penny will finally drop and we will know who we really are after many lifetimes of learning xx 💞 Some of you may relate to this post some may not ... I only have ever shared my experiences to help another through what appears to us as darkness ...I do not aim to be in competition with anyone speaking to various friends and from people messaging me it appears they are also facing this experience ...so I wrote this post to reach those who may also feel alone and to help them know they are not and to also give them some light from Universal Angel Star to help them through the darkness 🌟 🌟See you all very soon xx 💞🙏 X Special words for you all to absorb into your being today and eternally x sent from Arcturus the home of my soul x Thankyou Lord Sananda X L....Light O....Oneness V.....Vitality E....Enlightenment & S.....Strength T.....Truth A.....Awake R......Reality L....Learn I.....Ignite G.....Growth H.....Harmony T....Trust B.....Beam L.....Lessons E.....Evolve S......Shine S......Soul I.......Infinity N......Now G......Grateful S.......Stars X So it is X
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:22:00 +0000

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