Hi Guys, This is my first creepypasta that i have written with my - TopicsExpress


Hi Guys, This is my first creepypasta that i have written with my best friend. Its not the best but we think its pretty good. tell us what u think... Everything changed on the 10th of November, Which was the day of the crash. It was me and my mum, we were on the way to an indoor farmers market to pick up some carrots and raspberries. It was raining really hard that night, but we needed it for dinner that night. My mum was trying to rush because she was tired and hungry. She tried to run a red light. It was all like in slow motion; the driver of the suburban, my mums screams, the glass shattering, then it all stopped. I woke up in a hospital bed. The nurse there told me what happened, she also told me that mum didn’t make it. The collision gave her a major concussion and she died that night. I couldn’t believe my ears. Mum was dead?!?!? Where is my dad? I asked with a trembling voice. She told me that he wasn’t coming because all of this was my fault. I honestly hated him and myself right then. When can I go home? I asked. How are you feeling? Fine Well i guess you can go now if you want. She said, I know she was trying to cheer me up but it wasn’t helping. My mum just died and my dad blamed it on me. I got in Josies car, Josie is my best friend, and we went to my house. My dad was waiting for me in the living room. Hello, son; Josie. Hi Mr. Porter. Josie said, trying to light the mood. Hey Dad. I said, still weak from the accident. How are you feeling? He asked me, I could hear the anger in his voice. I’m fine, I mean, I’ve been better. I was trembling by this time. Good. Josie do you mind, he needs to get a little bit of rest? No Problem Mr. Porter. And with that she left but before she walked out she whispered to me Txt me and tell me how bad it was. Then BOOM goes the Dynamite! “Why? Why did you think it was okay to kill your mother? She loved you!!! We were happy!!! She didn’t deserve to die..... “He collapsed right at my feet. Sobbing he said he would never forgive me and I was no longer a son to him. I ran up to my room and cried a little bit then I called Josie and told her how bad it was. She told me it will get worse before it gets better. She couldn’t have been more right. For the next two days dad isolated himself from me. Wouldn’t even look at me; he spent all his time in the slaughterhouse out back. I think he enjoyed spending time killing pigs to be honest. On the third day of silence I went down to the SH (slaughter house) to try and make amends. But when I got there I did not find my dad... I found something much worse. I cannot ever forget what I saw there that day. Josie. But not the way I wanted to see her. She.... she was headless. I knew it was her because that’s what Josie was wearing the last time we talked and her mother hadn’t seen her since then either. J-J-Josie.., I was sobbing now. But not long after I stopped crying, I heard my dad, whistling, walking towards the SH, I had to hide quickly. I managed to make it out the back and up the hill into the woods. I kept running I didn’t stop till I was forced to. I fell in a hole. A big hole. And in this hole were heads, of people, missing teenagers from the past month. I knew he didn’t like kids but I didn’t know he was trying to kill us off. There was no way out this hole is about 10 feet deep from the heads up. Now I’m basically numb from my toes up from everything that has happened. I’m so far into shock that I can barely breathe. I want to scream but my body won’t let me. That night which just happened to be Friday the 13th, I saw my dad standing at the top of the hole. Well look what we have here; a murderer. He said then laughed. Me, a murderer? Look at all these heads! Don’t tell me I’m a murderer till u realize what you have done. I hadn’t noticed till now that he had some sort of mask on, it was dark so I couldn’t really see it he pulled me out of the hole and said he was going to have some fun with me. I wasn’t sure what it meant but I knew it wasn’t good. I can see his face now. It’s not a mask, it’s a whole head. A pigs head. He dragged me into The SH, threw me down into a chair by Josie’s lifeless body. Strapped me in so could barely breath, let alone move. He grabbed some scissors from his desk and came over and asked me if I had any last words. I said nothing, I wasn’t going to speak to this man. Oh Yeah? Well let’s see how u like this! He pulled out my tongue and chopped it off like it was nothing. The pain was so agonizing and the blood was everywhere. I screamed and screamed but it didn’t help. Then he cut off 4 of my fingers before he saw the agony in my eyes. Ya know what I don’t want to have fun on you I would rather just kill you! He gripped this butcher’s knife off of the table and came over to me. This is the weapon I used to kill your poor precious Josie. Oh look it’s still got blood on it. Wit that he rubbed the blade on my cheek and asked me if I could feel her. I wanted to scream but I can’t because of my tongue. He walked behind me and then everything blacked out. Everyone be warned this is The Pig Man; he hunts down teenagers and kills them by slowly torturing them then cutting their heads off and throwing the heads in a hole far out in the woods. . Mothers and Fathers everywhere, keep your children inside or the Pig Man will most definitely get them I am Damian Porter and the Pig Man is my father, but it didn’t stop him from killing me or my best friend. He has no mercy!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:21:05 +0000

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