Hi Mrs. Zane! I started reading your books at a young age. Im 17 - TopicsExpress


Hi Mrs. Zane! I started reading your books at a young age. Im 17 years old and Im a freshman in college. This is my second semester. Im kind of young to be in college. Everyone here is older than me. Im pursuing a degree in nursing. Recently, I made the decision to go natural because Im tired of the whole European look. Im sick and tired of perming my hair every 8 weeks and spending superfluous money on weaves. My mom started perming my hair when I was 5 years old because it was too thick and nappy, according to her. She said that my hair was too hard for her to manage. I do want to go natural and I want to cut my hair off. My hair is below my back and I dont mind cutting it and starting fresh. I liked my thick hair and its actually not nappy. You just have to be gentle. I never had a choice about my hair back then. My mom permed my hair without my consent and I grew up (like many other girls did) thinking that natural hair was ugly. I discussed going natural with my mom and she was very discouraging. She will not let me go natural and she told me not to do it. She dropped my confidence down. The words that she used were like venom and shes been discouraging me from going natural. She told me that she doesnt support this whole natural hair movement and that its just a trend that will end soon. My mom told me that natural hair would never fit well professionally and to take that natural hair junk out of my head. My mom made a lot of negative, ignorant, and redundant comments to me. One comment that stood out to me was when she told me that I would look like a shocked slave with my nappy hair and that no serious employer would hire me. That comment was quite derogatory and it really hurt my feelings. I discussed going natural with my daddy too and he was very encouraging and supportive. Then again, my daddy wouldnt say hurtful things to me. Im a daddys girl. He thought that it was an awesome idea to do so, but I dont know. I dont see that many women rocking their natural hair on television. I dont see natural news reporters. Why is that? Do you think that natural hair looks unkempt/sloppy and unprofessional? Why is hair that important anyway? Is it really just a trend? I really dont want to have a hard time getting a job because of my hair. I want opinions, please. Thanks. MY RESPONSE: Baby Girl, first, congrats on being in college and do not fret being younger than most. I started when I was 16 and one of my sisters started when she was 15 and did not turn 16 until the following March. Hold your head up high with confidence and do not let them mistreat you over a year or two of what they think makes them smarter. Secondly, the word NATURAL says it all. We live in a world where makeup, weaves, fake nails, fake asses, fake eyes, and fake tits monopolize to the point where people are looked down upon for being naturally beautiful. A lot of the things that women do to make themselves prettier and more appealing actually harm them in the long run. Not to mention that some men freak out when all of that comes off and they see what the real women look like underneath all of it. With that being said, you need to do what you desire and never let you feel bad for a single day. Good luck.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 18:01:25 +0000

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