Hi. My name is Gary Brookins and I’m a dickface. Why am I a - TopicsExpress


Hi. My name is Gary Brookins and I’m a dickface. Why am I a dickface, you might ask? Where to start … I have been a horrible and abusive husband. I have mistreated my wife, and through my words and deeds have left her with no self-esteem and that’s fine, because she sux. She has never been able to think, she can’t please me no matter how she dresses up (she always just looks ‘like a girl’), she may make all of my favorite foods but never managed to cook a meal that I enjoyed, she has never had all of my laundry done or made my house spotless … the list goes on and on. And I mean, the woman really sucks! I tell her so several times a day. Instead of buying the exercise machine that she’d been saving up for, she bought me a motorcycle for my birthday. After all, that’s the way it should be. And she won’t get on the thing! She says it ‘scares’ her … what a pansy. It’s good for me, though, because now I can go everywhere I want to do without dragging her along. I give rides to girls from work, though! Because who doesn’t want a hot chick on the back of his bike? What more could she want from me? I mean, I worked. Sometimes. There were times that I went years without the desire to look for work, let alone have a job. She defended me then to anyone who listened, and insisted on my behalf that I was trying, so that I would not look like a lazy jackass in front of my family. I’m the man of the house! For the last few years I’ve held down a job. I don’t need to pick up my own socks, or wash my own underwear, ever! I never say thank you. Why should I? I am the man of the house. If someone gets up early to make me breakfast in bed, or tells me that they appreciate everything I do, that’s just the way it should be. On the flip side, I never do these nice things for anyone else. I never say, ‘you look nice’ or ‘dinner was good’. I never have EVER made anyone breakfast in bed! What am I, a girl? If anyone starts bawling about something that I said, I scream at them that I was only kidding, and then slam things around and stomp, or squeal out of the driveway just because I know that it worries them. I never apologize either. Why should I be sorry? I mean isn’t ‘Then why don’t you?’ what everyone wanted to hear when they were singing the song Born to Make You Happy while smiling and looking deep into my eyes? I mean, really … Nobody appreciates me. I work my butt off and they never do anything nice for me in return. They never spend their school checks on a brand new computer for me so that they can use the hand me down one that I was using. The only thing that I get for my hard work is a few thousand dollars worth of lousy collectables. And gifts … pssh. People may give me things that I like for no reason other than to ‘try’ to make me feel special, but why would I buy anything for them? Unless they’re my friend and not my family. Then I even plan birthday parties and give them presents at Christmas. (Of course, I don’t believe in Christmas, but don’t get me started … They were gifts that I just happened to give on ‘that day’). I have never given my wife a birthday gift or a card. I mean, I know that she goes out of her way to do something special every year, but why should I bother? She doesn’t make ME feel loved. And the kissing and the touching, don’t get me started! Why does she expect me to ‘want’ to kiss her? She should have to beg for every kiss, and when I’m mad, why shouldn’t I refuse and slam the door in her face? After all, she only rubs my back for ten minutes at a time, she doesn’t rub my ankles right when they are swollen, and can never scratch my back the right way. What good is she? I told my wife that I wanted to go for a ride on Tuesday, because the weather was going to be nice and I wasn’t going to get many more chances. She was up all night with an infection forming in her face, and when I got up, she had the nerve to tell me that she wasn’t going to make me take her to the doctor before my ride, because she didn’t want to ruin my day. She said ‘have fun, but hurry back’. OMG, really? Hurry? It was eleven am when I left. When I came in after seven pm, she hugged me hard and told me that she had been worried sick, as I left my phone on the desk and nobody would have known to get in touch with HER if something happened. I mean, WTF was she thinking? Then, I did something really fun! I ripped her heart out of her chest, threw it on the floor, shit on it, danced in my own shit, set the whole mess on fire, and buried the ashes in a salty swamp. I mean, I came in and sat down and sighed deeply and said, ‘Baby, I’ve been thinking. I’m just not happy. I think I may want to leave.’ She had the NERVE to be astounded by this! She talked to me for two hours and it was pathetic the way that she pleaded with me to give her a chance to make me happy. I mean, she can’t, right? She never even tries. After I reluctantly agreed to stay for ninety days and ‘try’ to work things out with her (see what I did there, with the ‘try’?) she insisted that I take her to the hospital. I sat there huffing and complaining the whole time, after all, what did she expect me to do, hold her hand? Talk to her? I was tired. I had taken a long bike ride and ‘gotten lost in Tennessee’ and that is why I was so late. After the doctors were done with their tests and antibiotics (she has a staph infection in her face from blowing her nose too hard, what a goof!) we got home and made it into bed at about five. I got up at eight and she was still in bed, how lazy can you be? I sat and complained to my ‘work friend’ … the one that I assured her was only a chum, and not anything that I would bother wasting my time on. When she got up at nine, she asked if I wanted to go for a walk together, and I said ‘no, I’m just tired’. So she went into the bedroom and hung up towels in the windows in our bedroom to darken it. I mean it was a little bit darker, but I’m sure she could have done better. I woke up at noon to find her laying there with me. I woke her up when I went to the bathroom, and like she often does, she extended her arm and invited me to come back into bed and snuggle her. Who on earth would want that?? She apparently decided that doing something stupid like taking some of her things off of the shelf so that there was room for more of mine would make me happy. I mean what kind of five year old baby fit is that? I slammed out of the house and went to the pharmacy where they didn’t even have the medicine that was prescribed in stock. I came home and she approached me with ‘is there anything that you want to tell me?’ What the hell was she talking about? She asked one more time adding, ‘this is your only chance to come clean’. I got pissed off. Of course I did. Who is she to question me? Then she told me that she had hacked into my facebook and read all of the messages between myself and Rachel. My ‘work friend’. The one that I denied having feelings for. The one that ‘had NO chance of ever getting with me’ my exact words. The one that I went and picked up at home the morning before and spent the day ‘getting lost with’. She read my messages! The messages that said that I just wasn’t happy. The ones that said that my wife never held me, touched me, and kissed me the way that Rachel did. The ones that said that she was falling in love with me. The ones about having foursomes together with another mutual ‘work friend’. So, my wife, who was very calm although she was shaking, says, ‘I’m not throwing you out. I’m not hitting you with a pan, scratching your eyes out, or screaming and crying. I should be doing those things. I know what I have to go up against now. I am willing to fight for you. I love you more than anything in the world, and want nothing more than to make you happy.’ She must be an idiot, because when I said that I would ‘try’ to treat her as well as I treated my girlfriend, when I PROMISED to take a step back from that extramarital relationship and focus on her, she bought it! OMG! WTF! We ran some errands and when we got home and my steak was just set down in front of me (with crunchy stuffing, ICK!), I got right on facebook and told Rachel that we needed to talk. Tonight. So I left my dinner sitting there and took off to go see her. I was gone for two hours, and when I came back and my stupid wife was prodding me for details on what I’d told Rachel, I looked into the eyes of the woman that bore me four children, raised them for me, that picked up my socks every day for twenty two years, that always made sure that I had a clean dry towel when I wanted a shower … MY WIFE … The woman who only ever asked me for my love in return and said, ‘What if I told you that I can’t let her go?’ At this point, in another pathetic attempt to soften my heart towards her, my wife said, ‘I would never ask you go give up a friend. What I’m asking you for is to be MY friend’. I told her that I’d ‘try’. When she was in the other room, I told Rachel (over facebook) that I was going to borrow money from my boss when I go in to the hotel tomorrow for Crystal’s birthday party. The party that I planned. Because Crystal is my friend and SHE makes me feel appreciated. My wife doesn’t know that I am going to borrow that money, and she doesn’t know what it is for. What I don’t know is that my wife will not be home when I get back. She has more strength than to sit there and let me treat her like my doormat. She is going to leave me with the kids, the house, and everything except for the things that I bought for her (It’s not like I’ll even notice those couple of things missing until I read this), and leave me in my own shit to clean up my own mess. She is not, NOT going to pick up the pieces of the family that I shattered, mend the hearts that I broke, I can do that my own GodDamned self. PS Rachel, if you have any sense at all, you will run. I know that you don’t actually have that kind of sense, or any respect for yourself, or you wouldn’t be messing around with a married man in the first place. Just know that when he gets bored and nothing you do is enough to please him … When he moves on to the next girl, and leaves you holding the pieces of your life in your hand … I warned you. Hopefully he won’t take everything that you have to give and then toss you aside like a broken toy. Cause that’s what he did to me. The thing is, that he forgot something really important. I am a strong woman who has put up with a LOT of BS from this man (he’s cheated on me before you know, and not to sound cruel, but YOU-and other idiots like you are nothing new) and I mean a LOT of BS from him, but I am a fighter. And HE thinks HE’s unloved? For those of you who think that you know Gary and don’t think that this is possible, please, verify it. Ask the people who REALLY know him. Those of us that he broke.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:11:07 +0000

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