Hi all, its been a while and Ive had a few people sending - TopicsExpress


Hi all, its been a while and Ive had a few people sending messages to see if Im still here. Well, I am, amazingly. Its coming close to the end of the month, so Im getting a bit nervous, I have to admit. If you remember, I was told that I would get the outcome of the review by the end of the month. Part of me thinks they will actually give me an answer in the few days but part of me thinks the review will get buried along with so much else in the bowels of Home Office. To be honest, Im not sure which is worse. it feels a bit like when youve had some tests from the doctor and youre waiting for the results - part of you wants to know but because it could be bad news, part of you wants to avoid it forever. In the meantime, Ive been plodding along. Ive been sorting out things in my flat - the positive thing thats come out of all of this is that I have finally decided to get rid of all my notes and papers from Uni!! Yes, Ive carted them around with me for decades, not having the heart to throw them out just in case. But I finally came to the conclusion that if I havent touched them since I finished Uni, Im unlikely Im going to touch them again. And if I have to go back to Australia, itd be ridiculous paying all that money to take them with me. So out they went!! I have also applied to a couple of charities to volunteer with the homeless. I only sent my application off on Friday so havent had a response yet, but if they accept me, I think its a good way of spending some of my time, instead of sitting around and twiddling my thumbs. But I am proud to say that I havent succumbed to the Jeremy Kyle Show or daytime TV!! Also, Id like to take the opportunity to thank Andrew Hall for organising a free-entry swing-dance event a couple of weeks back, with the aim of raising some money for my legal fees. A total of £140 was raised. Also, a huge thank you to my anonymous friend who donated £200. Until now, Ive not wanted to accept financial help because I had been hoping that things would be sorted out by now but sadly, Home Office has free access to taxpayers money to stop me from living here whereas my funds are limited and coming close to an end. (Part of me imagines Theresa May jumping up and down and clapping her hands at that!) Soon Ill be organising a fundraiser here in London, probably a swing dance or something. Well see. Anyway, thats enough for now. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and didnt get too wet. Harley xxx
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 18:36:11 +0000

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