Hi, back again. I was in Southern Connecticut all day getting a - TopicsExpress


Hi, back again. I was in Southern Connecticut all day getting a nuclear stress test and PET scan of my heart and my coronary arteries to see if I have any blockages. Ive never had cholesterol over about 160, or low density cholesterol over 100 so I can t believe that I have clogged arteries but who knows. Part of the test was to stress my heart and watch its response. I don t know what they injected me with to stress my heart, but It jacked my heart rate up like yesterday, and I still felt lousy an hour later. I was also injected with a radioactive isotope beforehand so they could get great photos of the blood flow through my arteries and highlight any blockages of which I hope there are none. I will probably be able to read by the glow I give off for the next few days. The drug that likely caused my tachycardia event yesterday is called Lamictal. It was prescribed for me to help treat my PTSD which my Doctor has said makes me irritable. I have tried to tell him that what makes me IRRITABLE are Republicans and fools of which there is a considerable overlap. But foolishly, I think today, I agreed to try a psych med. A psychiatrist acquaintance of mine told me several years ago to steer clear of psych meds unless I was having some kind of crisis, because he said so little was known about the mind that the meds that were available were blunt instruments and often backed into by trial and error. He likened the situation to having fleas, seeking medical help and being offered a choice of an ice pick or a hammer. Either will kill fleas but at terrible expense to ones body. He said he thought it would be another forty years before medicine really understood the mind and had medicines that targeted just illness symptoms alone without sometimes terrible unwanted side effects. His thought was to use todays psych meds for emergencies only, and for a very short time even then. I agree and will be making NO further excursions into psych med land after yesterday. If people dont like me the way I am, PTSD and all, then I have two words for them and they arent Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 01:01:02 +0000

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