Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well. Theres been a lot - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well. Theres been a lot going on energetically over the last few months. We are in a time of great transition. Do your best to connect with your inner wisdom. Remember to go with the flow and stay focused on your intentions and desires. Novembers energies are 11 and 9. 11 is the number of The Visionary. It is a highly intuitive master number which invites you to use your imagination to create your reality. Recognize your heart’s true desires and stay open to receiving inspiration from the higher mind. 11 is the higher vibration of the 2 energy. 2 is “The Peacemaker”. This number offers peaceful resolution of conflicts—both internal and external. The energy of 9 offers enlightenment, bigger pictures, and a sense of oneness and brotherhood. This months combination asks you to let go in order to reconnect with your natural state of inner peace. It’s an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how the beliefs we hold shape our experience of life. Use your intuition to see the bigger picture of where you are and how your beliefs (both positive and negative) have affected your circumstances. During these final weeks of this universal 7 year, we are being asked to do some reflective soul searching. As we prepare for the active and powerful 8 year, this month allows us an opportunity to do a self-check when it comes to beliefs of worthiness, divine support, abundance, and self-love. Recognizing the spiritual truth that we are divine beings of pure love who were born worthy and are FULLY supported in all ways is key at this time. Any doubts we have are being shown to us through manifestations of what we DONT want. Allow your life to reflect back to you what is going on internally. Remember that everything is happening for the benefit of revealing which beliefs are “working” and which beliefs need shifting. Once you recognize the connection between your inner and outer worlds, you can make the necessary adjustments within your belief system which will ignite the shift in your experience. Keywords (9): Letting go, endings, conclusions, harvest, compassion, forgiveness, brotherhood, humanitarianism, charitable, generosity, enlightenment, spiritual, creative, intuitive, bigger picture, global, oneness, selfless service Great month for (9): Donating time, money, or household items, tying up loose ends, finishing projects or tasks, helping others, forgiving someone, creating, giving gifts, acts of kindness, spiritual enlightenment, tapping into higher states of consciousness, seeing the bigger picture, letting go of what doesn’t serve you, releasing attachments, jobs, people, etc. What you might feel or witness (9): Disenchantment, depression, highs and lows, wanting to end or walk away from things, discouraged by or frustrated with the negative aspects of humanity Keywords (11/2): Companionship, compromise, partnership, helping others, love, affection, sensitivity, peacemaking, intuition, inspiration, daydreams/visions, detail-oriented Great month for (11/2): Helping others, spending time with friends and loved ones, resolving conflicts, being loving and affectionate, being sensitive towards others, staying busy, attention to detail, daydreaming, visualization, connecting with your spirit, consulting oracles, tapping into and trusting your intuition, uplifting and inspiring others, finding inner peace What you might feel or witness (11/2): Hypersensitivity, intense emotions, easily hurt feelings, insecurity, nervous energy, anxiety, critical behavior, indecisiveness, fear of conflict There are many ways to get in touch with your higher self. Personally, I have found the use of intuition-strengthening card decks to be incredibly beneficial. My passion for helping others to connect with their inner guidance inspired me to create my “Follow Your Heart” meditation deck which was released earlier this year. I am excited to announce that my follow-up deck, “Zen Blossoms” is currently in production. I will post a “sneak preview” of this deck in the comments below, along with a link to be notified of its availability. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I welcome you to visit my other pages, The Blissful Knowing and Heart-spotters Around The World. Wishing you a peaceful and enlightened November! ~Jorie @Jories Numerology Chat :)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:25:38 +0000

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