Hi everyone, in preparation for next years TBH we wanted to - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone, in preparation for next years TBH we wanted to advertise the available positions of the committee. Please see below regarding the roles of the committee to see which role would suit you out of: president, vice president/training, liaison officer, secretary, treasurer and publicity/fundraising. If you are interested in becoming one of the above roles please email us at tbh.derby@gmail or post on the facebook group or come and talk to any of the present committee: President- Rebecka Dickens Vice- Christina Parr Liaison- Kate McMullen Secretary - Samantha Wake Treasurer - Ray Burrows Publicity - Stacey Law Thanks! President • Coordinates all decisions regarding the committee and its working • Acts as a liaison between National Coordinator for TBH, UNAD committee and the rest of the Derby committee • Required to attend all committee meetings • Keep a good track record of the happenings of TBH - clinics, account details etc. • Ensure the Facebook page is running smoothly • Port of call for any committee member having difficulties, issues etc. • Make decisions regarding funding allocations etc. (with involvement of treasurer and the committee) • Keep track of all ‘jobs’ that need doing to make sure that they are getting done • Try and bring in new ideas to help improve TBH • Ensure that TBH works as smoothly as possible. Vice President and Training Officer As Vice President – helps the President with the running of TBH As training officer • Organise, plan and present the teddy bear doctors and nurses training evenings • Advertise the events to recruit as many new members as possible • Arrange locations for training events with the medical school • Keep track of “active” teddy bear doctors and nurses in order for certification • Ensure all equipment and information for the activity stations are in order. • Update the TBH Intro Pack for new recruits • Print certificates for teddy doctors and nurses, and the children. • Aid other members of the committee with more time consuming roles and leading clinics when available General Secretary • Once the dates of upcoming clinics are known (ELO should inform you and check gmail acc), Gen Sec must find a clinic lead (a committee member). The clinic MUST have a clinic lead – it cannot go ahead otherwise! • Forward the clinic info sheet (sent to them by the ELO) to the activities coordinators so that props can be prepared for the clinic. • Email the teddy doctors asking for volunteers • Once teddy doctors and nurses have replied, organise who will be attending the clinic, put the teddy doctors and nurses into car groups, assign a car to take props and arrange a time and place for everyone to meet on the day of the clinic • All of this information is updated on the clinic info sheet and sent to all the teddy doctors and nurses who are attending, the clinic lead and also our Training Officer so they can update the register. • Send out an email to all those who WEREN’T selected for the clinic that week • The general secretaries also take minutes at the termly committee meetings Treasurer • Contact UNAD for a sponsorship grant - apply for this by providing a budget when requested by UNAD (this is done in advance the year before). This grant is allocated to charitable societies (point of contact – Treasurer of UNAD). • Ensure that TBH receives the UNAD Grant as soon as is available (usually soon after new UNAD committee for the academic year is elected). • Keep an eye on how much money is in the UNAD account and on any petty cash. • Collect “ Refund” forms to reimburse people for travel etc! • Deposit cash from our fundraisers e.g. bake sales etc. into our account. External Liaison Officer Contact school by email. You can also contact the school by telephone but you will still need to send an email (everything needs to be documented). • Find out : - Date and time of visit (remember to mention that the date is still PROVISIONAL and for that reason maybe ask for a few dates). Make sure that we have an available clinic lead for that date (liase with GenSec) before you suggest that date and time to the school. - Number of children - Age of children - The school’s choice of 4 stations (remember to attach the ‘stations’ document found in dropbox) • Remember to include the CRB policy in the email. And for the school to tell the children to bring their teddy bears! • Complete a clinic info sheet and email this to all the committee. Please do this AT LEAST a week before the clinic date to give Gen Sec time to recruit volunteers. • Once the general secretary has found the volunteers for the clinic AND A CLINIC LEAD you should email the school to CONFIRM the day and time of visit and remind the school to tell the kids to bring their teddies to school on the day. • After the school visit you should ask the school to complete our feedback form and say THANK YOU. Circulate this feedback to tbh.derby@gmail when received and save under SLO dropbox folder • You should also update the ‘dates of visits’ and ‘contact details of schools’ excel documents! ‘Contact details of Schools’ is the MASTER document (very important to complete), whilst ‘Dates of visits’ is used to see how many clinics we have done recently • Once this has been done please label any correspondence in gmail with ‘ELO’ and remove from inbox so we know that clinic has been dealt with (but the information will still be stored in a gmail folder) Fundraising and Publicity • Organise fun and engaging events to raise money and encourage active involvement with TBH e.g. annual netball tournament, Great Teddy Bear Bake-Off. • Publicise TBH training and fundraisers. • Raise awareness of TBH with local businesses and encourage prize donations / sponsorship. • Assist committee as needed.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 22:30:48 +0000

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