Hi folks, John here, I am home from hospital. I am on the road - TopicsExpress


Hi folks, John here, I am home from hospital. I am on the road to recovery. Thank you so much for all your kind words and thoughts. I am humbled and truly grateful. They helped me no end. My operation was a total success. I was under the knife for 4 hours last Wednesday and my diseased large Intestine was removed with no problems. I awoke that night and, though in pain from the stitches etc..I could already tell that the disease had been removed. For the first time in year and a half, I felt normal. Sister Morphine was my constant companion for the next 5 days. The doctors and nurses of the High Dependency Unit at Gartnavel Hospital were just wonderful. I was on my own in this ward and their constant cheery and supportive company was priceless. One of the nurses was a Trashcans fan and she and her husband had bonded to our music, she raved about our last Glasgow show at Oran Mor. Really cheered me up to be reminded that our music means something to others. I was moved into a general recovery ward on Saturday. There I met Harry, Hamish and George, fellow recovery patients. Hamish is a retired whisky distiller from Jura, soft spoken and wise. His tales of illicit stills, the ancient whisky arts and life on Jura were treasure. Harry is a retired electrical worker, ex glider pilot and a general optimistic spirit. He would keep morale high with his blether and was constantly concerned with everyones mood. George is quiet, due to his condition and medication, but I could tell he got great pleasure from listening to us all swap the tales of our lives.. conversations could easily turn to the eternal, bigger questions as well as light, cheery stuff, all in all, I could not have asked for finer company as I began my recovery. Yesterday I was given the all clear to go home. I have no more risk of infection due to the surgery and all that is left for me to do is allow the extensive stitching to heal and slowly taper off the steroids. I have daily painkillers to take and have been ordered to rest for at least 6 weeks. My wonderful wife and step son, Charlie picked me up and collected all my bags and I bade a bittersweet farewell to my compadres in recovery. I am now back in the comfort of home and Im sure i will be back to my creative self soon. I am more prepared for the second operation next year now that I have some experience of surgery/hospital life. But for now, I will not dwell on future surgeries. I am happy to be home. Thanks again for all your support through this difficult time.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:42:17 +0000

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