Hi friends, its me again. Im glad the human updated for me - TopicsExpress


Hi friends, its me again. Im glad the human updated for me yesterday, but today I feel good enough to post myself again. First I wanna say Thank you. Its when you are at your worst, that your friends are at their best. Sooooo many prayers, positive thoughts, get well wishes, crossed fingers and paws... And even donations to pay the vet bill! We never asked for anything else than positive thoughts and prayers, and we actually received more money than we needed! Were not out of the woods yet though, so I might have to return to my own vet. And I promise that what we dont need now, the human will save it for future vet bills. You really touched my human. She cried sad tears for me, but happy tears thanks to you. You guys rock! I feel better already. Dont know if its the antibiotics or the painkiller, or maybe its both, but something did me a lot of good. Yesterday evening already I ate some of Hermans kibbles again. I actually prefer these over wet food! And the human hasnt seen me gag anymore. As long as I eat kibbles, the human will wait with giving me wet food again. I will get wet food this evening, cause then its time for my painkiller again and the human can put that through my wet food. Let me tell you about yesterday: When the day started, I didnt feel good, but not that bad yet either. My throat hurt, but I could still eat. During the day it got worse and worse. Eating hurt more and more. At first I was still hungry and wanted to eat, but it hurt too much, so I didnt. Later I didnt even feel like eating anymore. All I wanted to do was sleep. I didnt wash myself anymore and felt miserable. The human said I looked miserable too. She should have looked in a mirror, cause she didnt look that great herself... And then she decided she couldnt wait any longer. She called her sister to ask if she could drive us to the vet and then she called the vet for an appointment. It was a busy evening there, so we couldnt come right away. No matter how miserable I felt, I put up a fight when the human tried to put me in the carrier. The first try failed, but the second one succeeded. It wasnt the vet I know where we went, but this one was nice to me too. He did stuff I didnt like, like put a thermometer in my butt and inject me several times, but he was calm and friendly. When I am at a vet, even with my regular one, I kinda freeze. Thats why a vet can treat me, and the human cant at home. When he looked in my throat, he saw right away it was all red and swollen. And when he measured my temperature, he found it was too high. I have a serious infection. And then the sister brought us home again. Thank you so very much, humans sister. The human knows you didnt like getting out that late on your Saturday evening off, and shes really thankful you did it anyway. Shell make it up to you. When we got home, I pouted on the stairs while the human updated here on Facebook on how I was doing. Stayed there until the human went to bed, but that took longer than I expected. Before she went to bed, she came to see me on the stairs several times and offered me wet food, to see if I was ready to eat again. I wasnt. When she finally went to bed, I first stayed on the landing, but after a while I came into the bedroom. And there was Hermans food bowl. These kibbles are so yummy and I started to eat. The human was sooooo happy to see that! After I ate, I jumped on the bed. I was very tired. Herman wanted to play with me then, but I totally wasnt up for that, so the human played with him to distract him. Thank you, human. Thank you Dushi too, cause she let the human sleep! She did meow a lot the whole day yesterday and when the human was in bed in the beginning too, but when the human finally went to sleep, she was and stayed quiet. Before she went to bed, the human almost forgot to give Jinx his late night wet food. Lucky for him she thought of it just in time. This morning he wasnt waiting for breakfast and the human went to see him in his apartment. She had her camera ready, but as soon as she opened the shed door, she came out of his apartment and towards the human. Again no pics of him. I look better today, says the human. My eyes look brighter. I sat on the windowsill a little before I went to sleep on the hammock too, so I feel a little more energetic already too. Probably because I ate again. I washed myself again too. All good signs. Since its probably a virus I have, the human has to keep a close eye on Herman and Dushi too now. Herman probably brought the virus with him, but I dont blame him. He didnt mean to. Dushi is less at risk cause her immune system is way stronger than mine and she doesnt snuggle with Herman. Hopefully she and Herman wont get sick too. So yesterday was a very bad day for me and the human. Both Dushi and I drove the human crazy. Me by being so sick and Dushi by meowing loud all day. But today everything looks brighter again. The human had a good night, I feel better and Dushi isnt meowing that much today (yet). I will get wet food around the time I got the painkiller injection yesterday, unless the human sees me get worse again earlier. The vet said she could give me the painkiller earlier then and she doesnt want my pain to get so bad I wont eat anymore again, cause then she cant give me the painkiller. Im gonna end this long post by thanking you all one more time. For sending me all the positive and healing energy and stuff, for helping the human taking the best care of me and for touching the human so deeply. And I wanna thank the human for giving me this Facebook page a year ago, cause without it, we wouldnt have gotten all that. Im going to sleep again now, and I wish you all a great day.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 11:27:33 +0000

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