Hi, greetings God fearing men and women, read through the notes - TopicsExpress


Hi, greetings God fearing men and women, read through the notes and get blessed and read more for your understanding. THE REFORMED CHURCH IN ZAMBIA CHILENJE CONGREGATION SUNDAY SERVICES, 19TH JANUARY, 2014 THEME: “SPIRITUAL GIFTS – “ MESSAGE OF WISDOM AND MESSAGE OF KNOWLEDGE” (1Cor.12:8) TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-8 1. INTRODUCTION 2014 THEME: ‘Rekindling our Christian Commitment’ (Kuutsa umoyo wakudzipereka pachikhristu). However, we have added new subthemes which are: 1. FIRST QUARTER THEME - Utilizing our Spiritual gifts (Kutumikira ndi mphatso za Uzimu) 2. SECOND QUARTER SUBTHEME - Soul Wining (Kukuko ena kuchipulumutso) 3. THIRD QUARTER SUBTHEME - Building strong families (Kulimbikitsa mabanja) 4. FOURTH QUARTER SUBTHEME - Stewardship (Kusamalira za Mulungu) 2. BACKGROUND - Authorship> Paul - Place of writing> Ephesus - Destination> Corinthian Church. Corinth was a strategic center of commence. The church was planted by Paul during his second missionary journey. - Purpose> 1. To answer the issues and problems raised by means of an oral report from Chloe’s house and a letter from the Corinthians themselves. 2. To help on a number of problems the church in Corinth was going through such as: a. Solving issues of divisions which rocked the Corinthian Church; 1Corinthians chapters 1-3. We all belong to Christ who is our foundation (3:10-11) b. Solving problems of immorality, marriage issues 1Cor.6:12-19;7:1-40. c. In 1Cor. 12 Paul deals with the questions of Spiritual Gifts, it was a difficulty topic and he needed to help solve the problems that time. d. Paul teaching on how worship should be done in church 1Cor.14:26-40 e. Lastly in chapters 15&16 Paul addresses the issues of the resurrection f. TEXT IN FOCUS 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-8 - Paul explains that spiritual gifts are manifestations of the same Spirit of God v4. - The same Spirit of God manifesting different kinds of gifts for the common good of the body of Christ. The term spiritual gifts comes from the Greek words charismata (gifts) and pneumatika (spirits). They are the plural forms of charisma, meaning expression of of grace” and pneumatikon meaning expression of Spirit. [quote] - The same Spirit of God gives different gifts which are: Message of wisdom Message of Knowledge Faith Healing Miraculous powers Prophecy Distinguishing between spirits Speaking in different kinds tongues Interpretation of tongues All these according to Paul are “the working of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines (1Cor.12:11) g. THEME: MESSAGE OF WISDOM AND MESSAGE OF KNOWLEDGE Definition of Wisdom/Knowledge Message Of Wisdom/Message of Knowledge WISDOM 1. Wisdom is to discern what is right and what is wrong. One may have knowledge, facts, experience but needs wisdom to choose the right thing. 2. The Greek word for wisdom is Sophia which means “cleverness, skill, applying a right attitude in life” 3. God is wisdom, the infinite and perfect of all that is or might be (Rom. 11:33-36) 4. God is the source of wisdom and he gives to those who fear Him {Job 28:28; Ps.111:10} 5. Wisdom means doing the will of God or doing or choosing the right thing to the glory of God {Deut. 4:6} 6. To have wisdom is to have ‘an able mind’ and technical skill in doing things in life [Ex.28:3] 7. Wisdom according to the Bible is acquired through the reading of the word of God. 8. There are Wisdom literatures in the OT. These are: a. Proverbs b. Ecclesiastes c. Job d. Psalms – 19, 37, 104, 107, 147, 148, 9. In NT the proverbs and parables of Jesus are a source of wisdom for Christians. For us to gain wisdom we need to read, understand the proverbs and parables of Jesus. KNOWLEDGE 1. The Greek word of the gift of knowledge is Gnosis and it means ‘knowledge and understanding’. 2. God gives the gift of Knowledge for particular situation to bring understanding, knowledge 3. Knowledge is the gaining of facts one learns from school, research, experience and observation or experienced in life. 4. It means you are aware of certain things or you have information on certain things than your friends. 5. The gift of knowledge is also called the ‘word of knowledge’ or utterance of knowledge. 6. In summary we can say that knowledge is an understanding of things the word of God that in the process helps us to understands things in the world. This gift must be rooted in the word of God and not just in man’s ideas. It must be noted that the gift of knowledge and the gift of wisdom are closely related. h. BENEFITS OF THESE TWO GIFTS [WISDOM/KNOWLEDGE] I. WISDOM HELPS IN GUIDING PEOPLE TO KNOW THE RIGHT AND AVOID THE WRONG THINGS Wisdom is to know what is right and helps us to avoid the wrong ways. When God gives you His wisdom you would not do wrong things deliberately. Wisdom saves us from wicked men/women [Prov.2:12] Wisdom gives us discipline in doing right things (Prov.1:1-3). If all of us have Jesus wisdom in us we would avoid being enticed in doing evil in our day to day life [Prov.1:8-19] Gain the wisdom of God by accepting Jesus Christ and you shall live longer in life [Prov.3:1-2; Luke 2:52] God gave Solomon wisdom; meaning he had the ability to know what is right and wrong (1Kings 4:29-34) Ask God for wisdom and he will give you[Prov.2:6; James1:5] II. WISDOM LEADS PEOPLE IN HAVING A GOD’S CHARACTER Every person who embraces wisdom gains more in life. Doing/choosing the right decisions in life moulds good behavior or character in our lives. Anyone who takes wrong ways, who takes wrong decisions is looked at as a fool, a sinner [Prov. 13:20] Jesus gave a parable of a rich man who was was swallowed up in his wealthy. He became a fool because of putting his life in his wealthy rather than God the owner of silver and God [Luke 12:13-21] A character of faithfulness, truthfulness, holiness is built in our lives through the wisdom of God. Wisdom brings humility in our lives (Jam. 3:13) and our appearance will show a character of wisdom (Col. 2:23). You fear God, honor God, obey God, then that is the beginning of wisdom in our lives [Psalms 111:10] III. KNOWLEDGE BRINGS UNDERSTANDING OF THE WORD OF GOD AND CERTAIN THINGS IN LIFE, CHURCH, SECTION,WORK,BUSSINES,LEADERSHIP ETC The gift of knowledge comes about when we read the word of God.\ By the Spirit of God knowledge is enhanced in every way of life for better understanding. Jesus was full of knowledge and wisdom. He was able to say with understanding in everything [John 4:28-29; Luke 2:46-47] When you have knowledge it means you have understanding of the word of God and you are ABLE to explain for people to understand. Knowledge helps one to do things with understanding, insight and not just haphazardly. God chose people to do certain things because they had knowledge and wisdom. These are: 1. Solomon-1Kings 4:32-33 - He was able to speak three thousand proverbs - His songs numbered a thousand and five - He described plant life, all kinds of plant he knew - He also taught about animals and birds, reptiles and fish - He also built the temple of God out of wisdom, knowledge of God 2Chro. 3:1-17; chapters 4-5 2. Noah-Gen.6:14-16 - God gave Noah all the measurements of what a boat needed to look like. Through understanding and how the boat was to be constructed, Noah was able to do exactly what God wanted Gen. 6:22. 3. Joseph (Gen.41:1-40) - Joseph was able to understand mysteries because of his wisdom and knowledge given by God v33;38;39-40. He managed the economy of Egypt well there was no poverty because of Joseph. God today also gives knowledge, wisdom in order to do certain things in an understanding way. Through understanding people can do a lot. For instance: a. Decorating the church, b. Making curtains for the church c. Construction with steel, wood etc d. Understanding in leadership e. Understanding in computer, music, drums, instruments etc f. Arranging flowers g. Administration h. Understanding in sciences, maths, different subjects In case you know how to do certain things with accuracy, passion and people appreciate you at work, home then know that God has a purpose for you in His church today. Not only at work but also at church. Moreover, do not give up on building up your knowledge by reading God’s word; going to school, college, university to enhance your knowledge. We need Christians of high quality of education, understanding in certain things in the church. I ENCOURAGE YOU STUDY HARD. Allow the H/Spirit to bless your gift, skill, talent so that God is praised through you. Aim higher in acquiring knowledge in everything you are doing or you would want to do in life. IV. KNOWLEDGE HELPS LEADERS TO LEAD ACCORDING TO GOD’S WILL Every leader whether church leaders, organization leaders, company leaders, section leaders, church leaders, political leaders, family leaders all needs understanding to lead. 2Chro.1:10. We need God to teach us how to do things, lead others, and govern groups, Ps.119:66. Even pastors, bishops apostles, priest ought to have to preserve knowledge, Malachi 2:7. That is why as a leader you must always speak knowledge to people because whatever you say builds or destroys Pro.2:6; 15:7; 17:27. When a leader has knowledge or understanding, then the people are saved from disaster. PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FROM LACK OF KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING – Hosea 4:6 That is why in everything we need leaders full of wisdom and knowledge to people lift people’s lives. V. WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE HELPS THE FUTURE GENERATION TO KNOW CERTAIN THINGS Wisdom and knowledge protects our coming generation in knowing God as the creator. Good wisdom, knowledge comes from God for our children’s children. God commanded the Israelites to TELL, TEACH, INSTRUCT their children in the way and fear of God Deut.6:4-9. Even today God wants us to teach our children about God. The wisdom and knowledge we impart in our children shall help them in the future. Our children today needs to be taught proverbs from the bible, African wise proverbs, African understanding to help them keep a Godly life. Solomon had several proverbs 1Kings 4:32ff. Parents, uncles, unties live wise sayings to your children and they will never forget. If we do not teach wisdom and knowledge to our children God shall not bless our children Hosea 4:6b. i. SUMMARY - These two gifts are very vital in the body of Christ, in our church for the up building of the body of Christ. - These gifts then lead us to the next one we shall look at in the next episode which is ‘FAITH’. Mbusa penias Mbewe peniasnelia@yahoo 0979628372 ng
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 19:26:42 +0000

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