Hi guys. I hope the vacation is going well for all of you and I - TopicsExpress


Hi guys. I hope the vacation is going well for all of you and I hope you all have a pleasant Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. I wanted to let you know whats going on in my grading because I havent graded any of your paper in such a long time. Admittedly, Im swamped. Much of my vacation so far has been spent grading the free form essays for 1301. Im looking at spending 5-7 hours a day on grading papers for the next two weeks. Im really really tired, and Im not getting much of a vacation. This is the way October and November are for me. Its just the way it is. But in the past, I obviously havent had so many dual credit classes, and last year, remember, the seniors didnt have a college level class in the fall. Boo hoo hoo....poor me. So what Im saying is that I dont know what next week is going to look like. I honestly dont know what your last test is going to look like. I wanted to let you all know this ahead of time. We can talk about it and maybe figure something out that is fair for everybody...or maybe things will just go as I originally planned. I also wanted to say that this semester has not gone as I wanted it to in your class. I feel like my lectures are dull and boring. I feel like Im not engaging your interest. I basically feel like any passion I have for teaching is being sucked from my soul. Most of this is on me. Im taking on too much work, and youre not getting all that I should be offering to you. Im not really sure how to fix this in the short term, but I am hoping that things will go better in the spring. For any of you who are disappointed in my class...or even havent looked forward to coming to my class in the last month or so...I apologize and I will try to be a better teacher next semester.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 00:44:38 +0000

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