Hi guys :) time for my review from last night at the smithfield in - TopicsExpress


Hi guys :) time for my review from last night at the smithfield in Hanley , stoke on Trent Well we got there at about 9pm we went straight upstairs and started unpacking all the gear and just spreading it out all over the tables around the edge of the room ... Then we just nipped out for a quick cigarette and when we came back upstairs we found the REM-POD and the K2 METER were going off with strong readings, then we split into 3 groups of 2 with myself going with Craig G , Ross went with Lucy and Craig was with Charlotte . We all went down into the cellar where me and Craig g went into the scary little bottle room what we have had a few strange things happen in that room in the past . Craig and Charlotte went into the room across the way what the pub currently use for storage and Ross and Lucy went into the room at the end of the corridor where all the barrels and pumps are . Las soon as me and Craig g locked the door to the bottle room the K2 METER went nuts , I didnt have time to switch the video camera on before it happened it was that soon . So as we were asking out the meter readings were almost responsive to the questions and what we were saying . I have the videos and I shall put them up hopefully tomorrow ! .as we were sitting in the bottle room Lucy and Ross came out to say they were hearing very loud bangs in the pump room at the end of the corridor sounding completely different and more distinctive than the normal bangs you hear in a barrel room ! ... Then me and Craig g went into the barrel room , grain and Charlotte went into the bottle room and Lucy and Ross in the store room . Me and Craig g took an instant dislike to the barrel room ... As though we were being watched by a few dark angry spirits that didnt want us there so we decided to leave the cellar . Then we went back upstairs and we decided to go for a short break and get a drink but before I left I set the video camera up to watch over the equipment just incase it went off again while we were not there . So this morning I watched the footage and to me I caught an orb on there but il let you all decide ... But while we were outside on break talking about the cellar and the K2 going off on us Craig and Charlotte said they had nothing at all and felt calm in there ... Then we all sat up in the function room in the dark to see if we could pick up on anything and 3 of the team were instantly drawn to the bar area , almost asthough they were all being watched from behind the bar .. Very strange ,, we then went back down the cellar and we all went back into our original rooms and straight away again the K2 was going off again In Craig gs hand ... But this time we were hearing weird taps and moaning noises constantly .. It was very strange ... And then we heard very clear footsteps outside the door in the corridor ... But there was only us 4 down there so that was strange ....Then we eventually got the bar area after all the locals had left the pub . So we all got the spirit box going in the pool area and we werent picking up on much at all . As though all energy had gone , but Craig g was drawn to the other side of the bar in the restaraunt area and him and Charlotte set up the voice box and they were getting loud screams but nothing clear like names or anything ... So at that point we went outside for a cigarette and Craig g and Ross left us and went home .. So that left me Craig Lucy and Charlotte .. So we went back upstairs into the function room and I thought Id sit behind the bar with the REM-POD and the video camera ... And the REM-POD starting going off and at that point Charlotte said my face was changing !! My features were changing apparently ...so I sent Craig behind the bar and indeed she wasnt lieing Craigs face was also changing it was like his jaw was pointier and he was wearing small circular glasses !!but then he felt light headed and felt like a really heavy force was with him then the REM-POD went off but with all 4 lights lit up Very very strange ... And then we realised it was 6:45 am so we called it a night ... All in all it was a very strange night lots of things that couldnt be explained !!! (Big dan)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 20:36:21 +0000

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