Highlights from the Sept. 6 stream of the Adi Pose: < Rockband - TopicsExpress


Highlights from the Sept. 6 stream of the Adi Pose: < Rockband > Tinydancers choice: Adi: My hand is about to fall off for being tired. . . . Could this song be any faster? vealydan12: The Adi death count thing may have to come back just for this song tardisk9s choice: Adi: Am I attempting to play the flute on the guitar? < Review of DW: Into the Dalek > Adi-isms: - Wow it’s getting really dark here. I need to turn on the light. But the light is so far away . . . - I cut off my own music by accident. On no! I didn’t mean to. I pressed button by accident. Um, um . . . let me just sing it. - Everything is gonna be a bit dodgy, because um, the question feature isn’t working because Twitch isn’t recognizing Adibot as a mod, soo . . . yay. - Um, well, he’s a bit of a smug dude, so when I saw that the episode was Robin Hood I was a little worried. It was either gonna be verything was wrong with Robin hood, like he’s smug and arrogant, or it gonna be over the top. But instead they went the route of Robin Hood being smug . . . but the Doctor being like me. - First episode was the Half-Face Man and the Doctor parallel, and the second episode – are you all right, honey? [pause] Um, okay, good. So the second episode was . . . - If you’re talking to me, talk to me and please mute the stream in the background. Otherwise if you try to listen to me through the stream instead of through Skype, you’ll be horribly delayed and bad things will happened. Conversations: Adi: Why didn’t you like the bit about the spoon? Joshuamacrow: Cuz you don’t fight someone over a spoon! Adi: True, true. But I guess because the Doctor doesn’t carry a weapon, well . . . he can’t exactly whip out a sword. Clarie: Hi. I’m also a bit freaked out, cuz when I walked in, Tinydancer said Hello, Clarie. How – how did she know I was here? Adi: Well, I did mention that you’d be coming in. Clarie: But like . . . does she have a camera? Adi: Well maybe she heard you munching, because when you said down there was a huge crinkling sound. Adi: Well, shall we get started on the review? Clarie: Okay. Hahahahaha. Adi: Why am I getting laughed at? Clarie: You just put the arm of your chair on your head. Also, before the episode, you were blatantly sighing the whole way, and then you giggled the whole way through. Clarie: I was disappointed that most of them ended up being robots. Adi: Um, well, not all of them. Only the robots turned out to be robots. Clarie: Really? Clarie: I think I am a little tired of robotic enemies that shoot things out of their head. Clarie: Is that really your Skype picture? Adi: Whats wrong with it? Clarie: Have you shown everyone what it is? Adi: There’s no need to. Dashi112: Your Skype picture is amazing, Adi, and um, Clarie has stolen like 2/3 of the things I wanted to say! Clarie: Oh, sorry. vealydan12: I like Adis skype picture, its very much Hey There! Im the Adipose! Dashi112: All I was really annoyed about was the Christianity robots. Everytime they fired from their head I could only see the cross. Adi: Vealydan’s picture is him sitting on a train with a big smile and a big hat on, and you’re mocking mine? Vealydan: Cuz it is creepy! Adi: What?? Vealydan12: Your picture is like, I’m the Adi Pose and here I am. Adi: Do you know how many times I needed to retake that photo? I did smiling, I did duck-face, I did frowning, so finally I did that. Adi: Clarie, um, I have a question, and you can hit for me it later, but as the token girl – Claire: Token girl??? Remember this chat?? Token girl. lucky12001: watch it adi Jendivine: OMG Adi!!!! Docchick: you deserved that adi. JustDrawnThatWay: zing you go Clarie. Adi: Fine, fine. Sorry to the chat, you are all lovely. Sorry to Clarie, you are in no way token. I meant to, as a member of the amazing female race . . . Clarie: Get off, I’ll run the chat now. Adi: Was it really that bad? Clarie: For calling me a token girl? Adi: I’m sorry. [Magical12325 slaps theadiposetv with a 442.4 kg, slightly rotting tuna] Claire: The trailer looks a bit scary. Adi: But it has kids though. And you know how I get around kids. Clarie: Yeah, I’ve seen you around kids. Adi: I haven’t finished my Mars Bars. Clarie: I don’t think you deserve it. Adi: I said I was sorry. You’ve all been fantastic, and you know what – Clarie: So I was I. Adi: Um, yes, so were you. And me. Sort of. Goodbye. < Highlights from the chat > Ipurpleninjah: Which ***** invented ovens? Jendivine: aaaaw ninjah!! tinydancer485: what did you do ninjah? iPurpleNinjah: Why do you assume its my fault? I did nothing. It was all the oven. tinydancer485: im just worried, you got hurt . . . iPurpleNinjah: So I put the chicken dippers in on one of those trayie things. Right? lucky12001: right iPurpleNinjah: And I tried to shut the oven door. Im thinking I shouldnt have slammed it. Jendivine: ooops? Mrs_evilgiraffe_uk: Ah iPurpleNinjah: The door may have fallen off tinydancer485: oh dear vealydan12: pahahahaha! lucky12001: oh no! Jendivine: only you ninjah....only you iPurpleNinjah: And the chicken dippers sort of slipped off the tray [Mrs_evilgiraffe_uk Facepalm] lucky12001: well, it is a door after all. vealydan12: sorry, but thats funny Ninja. iPurpleNinjah: And the ***** oven started on its own. So I had smokey chicken dippers. Very smokey. I give up on cooking, I tried. Adi: Oh dear, we’ve had a chicken explosion. iPurpleNinjah: Its much easier to phone for a pizza. Jennie_Bunny: So bot can see me, just ignoring my modness... spiggster: modless??? CHAOS Jennie_Bunny: Its probably Twitch messing with the Bot. Doctorwhofan6872: Bad mod robot! [tabitenor17 slaps adibot with Magicals tuna] mckapet: tabitenor17, WHOA! Were getting aggressive today arent we?!!!! tabitenor17: whoops...that shoulda been Twitch. mckapet: iPurpleNinjah, LOOK...no mods...LETS PARTY!!! Adi: Oh we have a mod issue. . . I’m sorry to hear about that. Adi: [does nothing, and keeps on playing] smallbluemonkey: HAHAHAHAHAHA This section of the site pertains to Twitchs chat infrastructure. The chat system is quite delicate and breaks easily. Henoir99: thats got to be the understatement of the century monkey. TheAdiposeTV: jendivine can you make sure jennie_bunny has your location. so i can drive to your house. and press my nose up against your window. Jendivine: sure iPurpleNinjah: Can I come? Jendivine: oh Adistalker. missbubblestt: isnt there supposed to be a stream today? Doctorwhofan6872: In a few yrs. he had to reboot. Jennie_Bunny: Youd think Twelvey would have had a few archery lessons throughout his 2000 ish old life, eh? He has all those sword (Spoon?) skills, but rubbish at archery? Miss174: Jennie_bunny sppon fight and archery isnt the same thing lool Jennie_Bunny: Yeah, but hes had 2000ish years to learn archery! dashi112: IOH GOD I SOUND AWFUL!! smallbluemonkey: so did anyone else notice he had a purple shirt today rather than his trademark white shirt? Jennie_Bunny: I always fail to notice these things, Monkey. D: iPurpleNinjah: He borrowed one of me obviously monkey. The purple shirt was a reference to me. smallbluemonkey: was that after you licked him? iPurpleNinjah: Yes, several times. [Matthias160771 thinks that Laura could wear such a dress] [Jlaura988 could fit into a dress like that] Jlaura988: Gah I ment couldnt fit in the dress. Bad typing again. vealydan12: Here comes Jennie CottontailHoppin down the bunny trail. vealydan12: Ninja, what about Capaldi locked in your cupboard? Jendivine: shush Dan. safe keeping. iPurpleNinjah: Why are you in my cupboard anyway Dan? vealydan12: you locked me in here. iPurpleNinjah: Oh right, I sort of forgot. I borrowed him WhoviansRule: I just realized I had this open - what conversation did I just find? lucky12001: you dont wanna know whovians. iPurpleNinjah: Get out while you can whovians lucky12001: as the Doctor would say...RUN Jennie_Bunny: Lau has her whip and I have my fluffy hammer. Jlaura988: Oooh fluffy hammer Quotes courtesy of TheAdiposeTV and Clarie Pose and guest stars Joshuamacrow, Dashi112, Vealydan12, and Magical12325, as well as Tinydancer485, Tardisk9, Lucky12001, Jendivine, Docchick, Justdrawnthatway, iPurpleninjah, Mrs_evilgiraffe_uk, Jennie_bunny, Spiggster, Doctorwhofan6872, Tabitenor17, Mckapet, Smallbluemonkey, Henoir99, missbubblestt, Miss174, Matthias160771, Jlaura988, and WhoviansRule
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:52:42 +0000

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