Hindu Dharma Article - 4 Duties and Punishments for each - TopicsExpress


Hindu Dharma Article - 4 Duties and Punishments for each Varna We got the awareness on the existence of 4 Varnas (Not Jeevathma made, but as Prakruti creates) Now,How healthy the society is, depends on how well the people belonging to the four varnas are performing their functions. The society is healthy, prosperous, strong and free, if all the four varnas prosper in their respective functions. Brahmana Dharmam Teaching, studying, sacrificing for himself, sacrificing for others, making gifts and receiving them are the six acts prescribed for a brahmin. But among the six acts ordained for him three are his means of subsistence, sacrificing for others, teaching, and accepting gifts from pure men Brahmana Dandam (Punishment / Karma) 1.) If brahmanan for some reason unable to subsist through his duties/occupation, may live according to law applicable to Kshatriyas. (basically claim to be not brahmin) 2.) If he cant maintain by kshatiya dharmam also, then he can adopt a vaisya mode of life. Generally its advised Bramin not to pursue Agriculture or farming, as it causes injuries to many being (starts from cattle, insects etc). However they are also given a choice to adopt selling of commodities with some strong exceptions as below - selling Flesh, Salt and lend, - He will be bound to irrevokable or unpardonable Karma - Inspite of that if he is still continue to sell forbidden commodities, the brahmin can sincerely assume to be Vaisya after seven nights;by selling milk he can assume the role of Shudra in 3 days Karma will be insurmountable which implies Moksha will be next to impossible. (Considered the highest punishment for all creatures) Kshatriya Dharmam A Kshatriya who has received according to the rule the sacrament prescribed by the Veda, must duly protect this whole world. Enforcing order alone governs all created beings, punishment alone protects them, punishment watches over them while they sleep; the wise declare punishment to be identical with the law. If punishment is properly inflicted after due consideration, it makes all people happy; but if inflicted without consideration, it destroys everything. If the king did not, without tiring, inflict punishment on those worthy to be punished, the stronger would roast the weaker, like fish on a spit. Not to turn back in battle, to protect the people, to honour the brahmins, is the best means for a king to secure happiness. Dandam (Punishment / Karma) If he cant maintain by kshatiya dharmam, then he can adopt a vaisya mode of life. They are also allowed to sell commodities. By adopting a complete Kshatriya dharmam, he can attain Paramapadham by 100% sticking to his household dharmam.But switching to Vaisya Dharmam will give him another birth (chance) to remediate and to attain glody (Heaven) or complete his karma Vaisya Dharmam After a vaisya has received the sacraments and has taken a wife (basically marriage), he shall be always attentive to the business whereby he may subsist. When creatures (Jeevathma) were created by Lord like cattle etc, he entrusted to vaisya with instructions to Kshatriya to in protecting and to Brahman to advise vaisya time to time on creatures. To maintain Harmony in society. Its said Vaisya should not conveive a oath as "he will not keep the creatures. He should know the value of all commodities of GEM, pearl, coral,metal, cloth, etc and should always acquainted with wages to servants and rule of purchase and sale. He can exert to increase his property only in righteous manner and Should give food to all living beings. (which includes previous house holders) Dandam:- Not much punishment is stated though, just mentioned to be ethical and consious of values of and stick to ground rule of selling. Else his karma will be hard to be completed and rebirths be inevitable untill it fulfills. Shudra Dharmam Duty of Shudra to attain glory (Parama padam /Heaven) is to serve the Brahmin in simple terms. This is sufficient for him to attain glory. Also Shudra who are pure at heart, gentle in speech, free of Pride, always seek refuge or take advise from Brahman, attain higher caste (which is the path towards Moksham) Dandam: Actually no punishment for him as it will mainly affect the Brahmin (as its considered Brahmans duty) He who needs to take care of emancipated shudra to channelise him to attain other varnas and eventually towards Moksha. Only ground rule is not to get emancipated to antagonise Brahmin, as it can lead to unfinished Karmas and goes into loop of multiple birth. They have options to easily correct themselves unlike other varnas. ------------------------ So in conclusion, Brahmins invite maximum punishment for not being self as per the duties alloted to them with so many restrictions and peculiar occupations which in this Kaliyug are perceived to be difficult for subsistance. Paramathma tells, Yugas complexity only makes it look challenging but not the duty in principle. So treat the Yuga as its Character of Brahman and
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 07:51:42 +0000

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