His Holiness Pope Francis in Holy Land In last month we have - TopicsExpress


His Holiness Pope Francis in Holy Land In last month we have gone through diversified social sections and see there were some problems. Politicians , actress, social worker , teachers, pastors , religious etc. were some examples. Peace and unity is what this world hungry for ? Wen you have bread and wine your life is valuable. Your life is blessed. If your life has gods leverage why not work for him? Work for son of god. He is Jesus Christ. He is only one son of god not others. Those who are giving pleasure to people are sad to give joy . Joy of life is given by Jesus only. New government in India may follow the way of Hindu extremists and could have chances of social breakdown and loss of peace and integration. Several Christian congregations are aware with the on going situations. Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) urges the incoming Indian government to adopt measures to ensure the promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief for India’s diverse communities. Every society is composed of a group of irrational person who always lack of religious knowledge and act wildly. However ; their percentage is minimal. While with the actors and actress we deal they also feeling challenges. Their thought are for social transformation and people think them differently. Nepalese Maoists are also in the process of integration against foreign powers as they some times had 20,000 militias and later they came down to 7,000. Yet they killed 13,500 poor people . A Journalist Dekendra Thapa was murdered after several torture. Dr. Baburam is against corruption yet Puspkamals palace is constructed by looted property of militants and the poor people of Nepal. Similarly ; Commission for Justice has no meaning to conflict victims as it did nothing to the disadvantaged. Politics such that if it lift to an individuals life is no politics rather it is absolute self feedback . Let us Pray for good health of Maoist leaders! Downfall of Maoism! When you have to keep something in frozen , you have to think of negativity. It will be beneficial. All positive never built your life . Neither the books that you find in a library are your friend. Choose the books and follow if you think it is important for your life. Supporters of positivism are followers of mono pole ; that never exist alone. Nonetheless ; when Christians walk in darkness with faith ; reach destination in safe. Felice Gear is known to us yet new to to those involving in the act of torture.She is US representative to UN Committee Against Torture. American government is against terrorism. Ms. Gear listen well to torture and told what really is coercion?.Freedom of thought , conscience and religion and to hold or not hold religion etc. are basic components in human life. If we want , if the people of the country suffered want to take action to those whos family members are suffered by torture, it is possible ; no matter how mighty are the arms of illegal deeds. If holding of religion is crime not holding of religion is also a crime, hence both terms are not crime.There should be no sense of coercion . For us first preference is peace. We want global peace . We want peace in middle east as we follow the way of papa Francis . Peace among Palestine and Israel.Pope Franciss objectives of visit in holy land reflect peace and unity. Time having multicolored spins . Christian believes in pray. In may 30, 2014 at least 30 are feared dead in a Catholic Church Compound in Central African Republic on Wednesday. We are sad with joy as we have 100, 000 martyr each year in the globe scale and we are increasing. Let us pray for the families to overcome grief. Including China ; in April 2014, Gao Yu – a fierce government critic, journalist, and active participant in the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square – was detained by Chinese officials. She is but one more victim of her government’s systematic silencing of rights advocates ahead of the 25th anniversary of the massacre in Tiananmen Square. Dr. Roth, reflected. Furthermore;Dr. Roth added; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS) forces is committing crime against humanity in Iraq and Syria . They are attacking civilian area and creating torture in detention, discrimination against women and destructing religious property. Recently religious freedom is barred in Kazakhstan , where religious meetings are held with compulsory state permissions. Religious freedom is that where there is shortage of food there is access of food. If there is no sleep ; let them to sleep. For the end of global poverty is pray and action what pope Francis has recommended. Christian media shows that North Korea is the worst place to live in for Christians. Recently; 400 North Koreans travel to China desperate for food, find Living Bread Medias reflected the demise of Gopinath Munde , a rural development minister of India. Death in car crash in New Delhi ; 2nd June 2014. Let us pray for departed soul and peace in politics. More then 100 medias including Statesmen limited, ABP News, ABP Lives, Bollywood , Economic Times, India today, Youth Ki Awaz , NDTV, Tehelka Daily, Hindustan Times, Yahoo India etc. spread the sad and sudden news. We did not read what Punjab Kesari published in that day. Yet Sermon David and Sandys posts were important and had been red. Sudanese women getting barbaric death sentence marrying with a Christian. Pope Francis’ May 24-26, 2014 pilgrimage took place in Holy land. Geographically ; holy land are Israel and Palestine.Pope Francis has completed the travel to middle east and accepted request to visit Mexico soon. The Diocese of Phoenix released statement in June 12, 2014 and express forward that We are stunned and deeply saddened to learn of the tragic assault perpetrated last night against Fr. Joseph Terra and Fr. Kenneth Walker, two religious order priests who belong to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Fr. Walker’s life was taken. Fr. Terra remains in critical condition but stable. For a couple of days we are with new friends like Sruti Shiva, Sonia Jain, Poonam Rajee,Neeha Jaisawal, Preeti Singh, Sherin Malu, Preeti Kushwah, Jyoti Malhotra, Priyanka Kumari , janaki patel, Sarita Sri Bastab, Babita Layer , Kajal Malhotra , Yami Gautam , Aisha Rawat, and Cara Roshi. please , turn and find Mark 4:26-29,in Holy Catholic Bible if you could. And he said , the kingdom of god is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground .He sleeps and rises night and day , and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how .The earth produces by itself , first the blade , then the ear , then the full grain in the ear . But when the grain is ripe , at once he puts in the sickle , because the harvest has come. Religious personal as Catholic fathers explain in Church and we know what has been said here. Politicians in election sleeps and rises again sleep ,dreams and rises. Students throughout the yer and before exam behaves similarly. For a missionary a mission that is work for god and for life insurance agent shows life is mortal and needs money even after death ; the related business is really challenging. Presently about 100 Christians attacked by Hindu extremists in India vis a vis Boko Haram Extremists of Nigeria kidnapped 60 school girls and 31 school boys . When we use the word extremists more the less color and tinge is identical. The mission is always challenging as it is somewhere working within the challenges. and joy both. Deadly event in Dioceses of Phonex, cases of India and Nigeria with Christians are painful. Great religious leaders of Church are aware and alerted on the fact that mission is mission. Our new friends like Sruti Shiva and others; I want to remind you that expensive garment reflect demonstration effect. Look at Jesus s garments so simple and learn . One who has the ways of the world. Religious leaders are such that they are reaping for the immigrants in USA since time past but presently they have agenda to strengthen every church to address the immigrants capacity building needs . You can join by making connection with concerned body that is National migration conference going to be held in July 7th to 10th , 2014 in Washington D.C. I am not a qualified and capable person to get mail but I got it.Thanks to those who behave in similar godly manner. His Holiness Papa Francis is always aware and take peace action.What ISIS is doing against humanity in Iraq and Syria is a challenging question, Wenzhou City, Zheiang province China where anti Church campaign seems increasing. yet Chinese Christians bravely tell government to stop illegal anti church compign. Asian thought about Jesus is immature. History depicts spread of Christianity from middle east to Europe and America. Now Mr. Barun Atrei is right because European and American understand and follows the Christianity. When every Asian understand Christianity there will be no need of external feedback on it. Asian will be sufficient to know Christianity. Understanding and acting can make Christian world.Christ friendly thoughts and behavior are suitable for every one.Some thing that did not fit this world ; fit inside St. Peters. In Archbishop Joseph H. Gomezs own words Friends, we are “Roman” Catholics because St. Peter and St. Paul brought Christianity to Rome, then the capital of the world. Peter was crucified there and Paul beheaded. But their blood was the seed for the Church to spread — from Rome to the ends of the earth. Thank God today for the gift of his Church! Pray for those who will suffer and die today — as Peter and Paul did — for their love for Jesus Christ. Who will lead the governments of nations is question where Mr. Atreys thought turn dim. However ; he use the term the as in Alexander the great . As in The United States of America. The an article used before starting voles. We learn that the word fisherman can be easily broken in fisher of man is the Roman article. If three students attempt in an exam and first got 98% , second 93% and third got 90% is meaningless in comparison when 1000 thousands candidates appear in the exam and got similar result. Whenever we speak of some speed we dont lose direction. Hydroelectric power plants and even sun the source of extreme power to solar system is never considered the light of the world . Jesus is the light of the world who gives light to every brain of an individual from within. Shift blaming is old disease in human history. We are familiar with Roman emperor Nero, was piping while Rome was burning. Actually he want to extend his palace area and hence burnt the city but blamed to Christians. He played with bag pipe not a single pipe. Leader Ang San su-ki is seeking global political power for democracy in Myanmar and Wenjhu a Chinas Jerusalem seeking freedom . Christian want global freedom. Freedom of talk and freedom of mobility. Chinese government is against to human freedom. Contd...... not yet edited
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 11:00:06 +0000

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