His hand and leg were blown off and he was laying, bleeding to - TopicsExpress


His hand and leg were blown off and he was laying, bleeding to death on the lawn. He called out to Frank to tell his family that he loved them, Boston Police Office Denise Corbett testified. She, of course, was speaking about Boston Police Officer Jerry Hurley. And his partner Frank Foley who were both the Officers of the Bomb Squad called to the fatal Roslindale residence on October 28, 1991. Officer Corbett was on the opposite side of the driveway, when the car bomb (placed by Thomas A. Shay) exploded on them. She ducked down by a parked car, as debris reigned down on top of her and all around her. Officer Foley was laying in the driveway. He lost an eye and parts of his face. He yelled to his family that he loved them, then waived off his own medical rescue and screamed for them to go get Jerry. They both told us to leave them, that other parts of the bomb could go off. I ran to Jerry and tried to put towels over his leg, but it was mostly gone. I couldnt do anything. Officer Corbett cried on the stand, wiping tears from her eyes. Officer Jeremiah Hurley died that day. Officer Francis Foley was maimed but survived. As medics removed them both from the scene, Officer Corbett collected their gunbelts and walked back to the cruiser. She sat in it, until someone finally found me she stated. Denise Corbett was a close friend. I remembered her big smile and huge heart. She always talked to me at C-11, encouraging me that Id get on the Job. Dont give up. Finish college first. She always had time for me, and made me laugh. Struggling with what we now know better as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Officer Corbett struggled badly, obsessed with what she saw and that bombing. And on December 2, 1991 she took her own life. 23yrs ago today... District Attorneys sought to add her death to the Indictment of Thomas A. Shay. However, her passing couldnt be solidly connected at 100% and so it was left as an Officer suicide. Ive pushed every year, for Denise to be allowed on the National LODD Wall. I continue to get denials but I will never stop trying... NEVER... Denise, Ill never forget you. Hero. I wish you had called me. I was away at College but I was available and I wouldve talked to you. I miss you. Today, I remember your heroics. I remember your courage. I remember your valor. And someday, Denise, Ill get you on that damn LODD wall. I miss you, Denise... Officer Jeremiah Hurley E.O.W. - October 28, 1991 Officer Denise Corbett E.O.W. - December 2, 1991 Dont Forget Her! Please...
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:09:00 +0000

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