Hobbs Sunday Sermon---How race, specifically President Barack - TopicsExpress


Hobbs Sunday Sermon---How race, specifically President Barack Obamas race, colors congressional and gubernatorial races across America Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, commenting on President Barack Obamas unpopularity this past week as we head toward this weeks mid-term elections, said The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans.” Gee, you think Senator? Nevertheless, Ol Hobbs this morning did a slow clap for Sen. Landrieu for being Captain Obvious during an era in which the obvious is often obfuscated by distortions, half truths and lies about what role race still plays in state and national level politics. I mean, where but in America do you find a History Channel program chronicling the original building of the White House where the narrator discusses European and African laborers who built Americas most iconic home. Uh, no, those were not African laborers as such assumes that the master builders had earned their wages; nope, the White House was built by slave labor, period, but in our rush to make things all touchy feely, well, the obvious facts are not so obvious anymore. That holds true for the current White Houses occupants which include Barack Obama, who is of African descent, and his wife and children, who are descended from enslaved Africans. Yes, there are certainly many, many Republicans and independents who have non-racial reasons to oppose President Obama. There certainly is nothing inherently racial about questioning the fiscal rectitude of Obamacare; criticizing the handling of Assad in Syria, ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Edward Snowden, IRS-gate and the economy. But where race has to be questioned for many other Republicans and independents is how whenever the president speaks, some of the hottest trendng topics and terms on social media are nigger and other racially derogatory terms. Or newspaper cartoons depicting the POTUS being asked to try watermelon toothpaste. Or memes with some idiot holding a banana in front of the POTUS and FLOTUS. Or cartoons depicting cotton fields and watermelon patches on the White House lawn. Or other memes depicting the FLOTUS being beaten by KKK members. Or Republican Congressman Joe Wilson screaming You Lie during one State of the Union whilst conservative Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito mouthed off thats not true during yet another. Or former Republican Rep Eric Cantor storming out of a closed door session while the POTUS was in mid-sentence and yet to adjourn the meeting on the deficit and fiscal cliff. And countless other indignities to boot. And speaking of boot, the Democratic Senator from The Boot or Louisiana, Landrieu, shows how in this mid-term, well, some Democrats have not been loyal to the POTUS, either. Many Democrats across the South have distanced themselves from Obama in one way or another despite the partys standard bearer having stabilized a nation teetering on the verge of economic collapse due to the Great Recession by aggressively advocating for stimulus packets to ameliorate the same for corporations (job creators); a POTUS who did what his predecessors Bush and Clinton could not, which was to order Osama Bin-Ladens death and date with the Devil; a POTUS who on his watch, unemployment is down nearly two percentage points from the 8 Percent that held steady during the 2012 election year. Not to mention that warts and all, the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare was the first health care system overhaul in nearly a half a century, one that eluded Democratic and Republican presidents alike during that time span. So yes, while Southern Republican intransigence and sometimes racism was and remains perspicuous to me, the Southern Democratic dissing has not taken me by surprise, neither, in that in the end, many folks from both parties who run for office are narcissistic and more concerned about assuming or maintaining power as opposed to showing loyalty or arguing passionately as to the successes of their standard bearers policies----particularly when that standard bearers skin tone still causes angst in the areas in which said candidate is running.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:52:50 +0000

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