Hobbs’ Tuesday Talking Point: President Barack Obama Made the - TopicsExpress


Hobbs’ Tuesday Talking Point: President Barack Obama Made the Right Call in Exchanging Guantanamo Prisoners for American Soldier The more that I read about the exchange of five suspected terrorists from Guantanamo Bay for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the more I am convinced that President Barack Obama, acting in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief, made the correct call in making this deal. I know that many of my more conservative friends may disagree with my position. These friends are still upset about the Benghazi Massacre that led to the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American diplomatic personnel in 2012. They are frustrated that the so-called Benghazi “Conspiracy” did not cause Obama’s defeat to Mitt Romney in November 2012 and to date, has caused no heads to roll. These friends fear that Obama’s then Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, failed Stevens et al. and despite her perceived failure, is moving steadily toward becoming the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and quite likely, the next President of the United States. As such, my more conservative friends are emboldened today by the talking heads and legal experts on the right and left who have opined that President Obama “broke the law” by securing Sgt. Bergdahl’s freedom. The hope now is that the President is deemed a lawbreaker as a prelude to renewed impeachment calls in the GOP House. Yes, instead of celebrating the return of a soldier, I fear that the questions surrounding Bergdahl’s release and even his original capture will dominate conservative talk radio for the next few months as the right wingers pray that such will prove fecund---finally---to brand Obama the criminal that so many have sought to label him as for six years running. By so doing, they hope that if successful, that they just may stymie any of Obama’s best efforts for the last few years of his administration while beating up on Clinton in the process for being an Obama acolyte at worst, or an ideological identical twin at best. But still, the historian in me looks at the political dissonance fulminating from this latest “crisis” and has to shake my head at the thought that we have reached a point in time where even the securing of an American Prisoner of War becomes subject to bitterly partisan debate. Having grown up an Army brat living from post to post, one who understood the acronyms POW, MIA (Missing in Action) and KIA (Killed in Action) by the time I was a kindergartner listening to news reports about the recently concluded Vietnam War in which my father had fought, I am completely amazed that anyone would question the wisdom of any deal securing the freedom of an American service member. Understanding this history, I am in lock-step with the president and appreciate his comments this morning in Warsaw “The United States has always pretty sacred rule, and that is: we don’t leave our men and women in uniform behind.” Amen, Mr. President, and for your detractors who are getting bogged down in the minutiae as to whether Sgt. Bergdahl was a model soldier, deserter or some variation in between. That determination is one that now can be made by the appropriate military investigators, some of whom I am sure have already spoken to or will soon speak to members of Bergdahl’s platoon, including several who already have painted him as some sort of loner in the press. To address these concerns, Army General Martin Dempsey perhaps said it best in a statement this morning, declaring, “As for the circumstances of his capture, when he is able to provide them, we’ll learn the facts. Like any American, he is innocent until proven guilty. Our Army’s leaders will not look away from misconduct if it occurred. In the meantime, we will continue to care for him and his family.” In the end, Gen. Dempsey and the President are correct---securing Bergdahl’s freedom when the opportunity availed was of primary concern, one that should not have been subjected to the inevitable politicization that would have occurred had a more deliberative process ensued. With some Republicans now complaining that the House Armed Services Committee was only notified five hours before the exchange, contrary to a law that requires 30-days’ notice, I counter by saying “so what,” and further reminding all that while open and transparent government generally is ideal, that I contend that where strategic military issues are concerned, including those relating to military personnel, that sometimes the right thing accomplished requires that the technically wrong thing is committed and when weighing he same, I strongly believe that the president was justified in this course of action---completely.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 16:20:28 +0000

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