Holy guacamole its February 1st! Can you believe it?!?!? That - TopicsExpress


Holy guacamole its February 1st! Can you believe it?!?!? That means we have had 31 days to work on our New Years resolutions. Often we can start out strong but sort of lose steam after a couple of weeks so its good to revisit your goals and more important remember why you made them in the first place. So if you have made any progress on your goal celebrate! Go buy a new outfit, get a massage, take a nap, do something you enjoy and reward your efforts. If you are stuck in a rut start to looking deeply into why. Sometimes people will say they arent motivated, but why arent you motivated. Fear is usually the answer. Change is hard and the unknown is scary. Even if you are unhappy, often people stay in the same place out of the fear of change. If that sounds like you or if maybe you have other road blocks, try making smaller changes or more gradual changes, and make the goals more long term. We can be very hard on ourselves and compare ourselves to other people. Just because someone achieved the goal you have set for your self in 6 months doesnt mean you need to or will be able to do the same. Every journey is individual. You are a different person from the next so dont expect to be the same. Goals keep us on track and its great to shoot for the stars but dont get discouraged if it takes time. Every day you try is progress! Celebrate your small victories! Be proud that you refuse to let fear stop you from trying! Go out and make life what you want it to be!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:59:11 +0000

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