Hooded Grebe Project Volunteer recruitment - TopicsExpress


Hooded Grebe Project Volunteer recruitment 2014/15 Proyectomacatobiano@gmail In the Hooded Grebe Project we aim to contribute to the conservation of populations of this diver bird, critically endangered globally, which has less than 800 individuals. The project began to take shape in 2009 when its first experiences began in the remote and rugged plateaus at the western part of the province of Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina. Since then, we have tirelessly worked there for several years which has led us to get to know the Hooded Grebe, its conservation problems, its environment and the various actors involved in its complex current situation. Moreover, we have come to realize that an essential problem is precisely the lack of information. Since then, the project has focused both on increasing knowledge of this fantastic and critically endangered specie, as well as in making direct conservation actions to help restoring its populations. The Hooded Grebe Project is developed by two insitutions: Aves Argentinas (BirdLife Int.Partner) and Ambiente Sur, and has the support of the Laboratory of Ecology and Animal Behaviour of the University of Buenos Aires (IEGEBA-CONICET). We also have the support of numerous institutions: Argentina Wildlife Foundation, Canadian Wildlife Service, CREOI, Department of Wildlife Office, Rufford Small Grants, among others. Moreover, it is noteworthy that most of the project team consists of volunteers who contribute with their time, effort and knowledge to enable the successful development of each working season. Volunteers’ profile: The main feature we look for in participants is a genuine interest in conservation and/or biodiversity research and it is also important to have passion for nature and adventure. We’re not necessarily looking for people formally prepared or with official titles, but for those who show interest and passion for learning and who are motivated to contribute with the issues mentioned above. The environment of Santa Cruz plateaus is extreme, with winds over 60 mph and temperatures that may vary from below freezing to near 90 ºF, with very high levels of solar irradiation due to the low level of humidity in the atmosphere. That is why volunteers must be physically and psychologically prepared for work: inclement weather is not going to delay the working schedules. In this sense, we consider fundamental having a good sense humour and proactive attitude. The project uses a ranch in the province of Santa Cruz as base camp, but we usually spend most of the time doing fieldwork, which means: long periods without bathing, camping under a fence, making long walks, etc. Adequate personal gear (clothes, sleeping bags, etc.) for these environmental conditions is also required. Because working conditions are often in isolated environments, it should be noted that there is no phone coverage and/or Internet access, so that the use of such technology is restricted to those days that we visit locations with such services. Knowledge about first aid will be assessed when choosing volunteers. It is also important that volunteers are willing to collaborate in various aspects not related to fieldwork. Tasks to be undertaken: - Aquatic birds’ census. - Data collection on nesting colonies of Hooded Grebe. - Support for capturing and marking Hooded Grebe individuals. - Monitoring (censuses and detection) of invasive species such as American Mink and Kelp Gull. - Support to colony guardians (detection and control of factors affecting the colonies). - Development and operation of direct conservation actions. - Monitoring of wildlife (mammals, amphibians and reptiles). - Census of shorebirds. - Collaboration in maintenance of work equipment. - Promotion and education work about the project in the region. - Housework (cooking, cleaning) and maintenance of common areas. - Restoration of habitats and restoration of working areas. The tasks to be performed in the field are many and different (conservation and research actions), for this reason is necessary that volunteers explain us their area of interest. However, all tasks are developed almost in parallel, so surely everyone will end up having to contribute in every kind of task. Types, conditions and explanations for volunteering: To ensure time optimization of voluntary work, the minimum dwell time that is required is one month (30 days), starting from 1st December 2014 until 30 April 2015 and arrival dates shall be always fixed during the first days of the month (1 to 3). The residence time and / or arrival and departure dates of the volunteers may be modified by the organization if it was necessary for the proper development of the campaign, fact that would be managed early enough and according to the personal requirements of each volunteer. For joining the project, a sum of US $ 20 per day will be requested, which completely covers the volunteer expenses once arrived at the province of Santa Cruz (meeting point in the city of El Calafate), including training, transport, food and lodging throughout the fieldwork time. If your stay exceeds 60 days, we would be able to make a reduction in the amount requested up to 15 US $/day. During the development of the campaign, we work from 1st December to 30 April, with only short intermediate rest periods, pre-scheduled. Breaks will be 2 days every 15 days, remaining in the base camp, and every 30 days a 5 days break will be held in places close to the study area (e.g. tourist sites in the province, El Calafate, Chaltén, Lago Posadas or Los Antiguos.). The Hooded Grebe project is built under a long term vision, that is why volunteers have opportunities to grow professionally within it. Therefore, volunteers with new ideas or interest in the subject for the development of thesis, master or doctoral studies will be favored in the election. To apply: - A letter briefly describing your interest in participating. - Curriculum vitae. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED until OCTOBER 20th, 2014. Results will be available on October 31th, 2014. FIELD WORK WILL BE DEVELOPED FROM DECEMBER 1th, 2014, TO APRIL 30th, 2015. Contact (information and signing-up): Proyectomacatobiano@gmail avesargentinas.org.ar ambientesur.org.ar Facebook: Salvemos al Macá Tobiano For further information please check: El Ocaso del Macá Tobiano or Twilight of the Hooded Grebe
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 21:06:25 +0000

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