Hope is openness to change. Sometimes we are afraid to change, - TopicsExpress


Hope is openness to change. Sometimes we are afraid to change, even if our past was painful. We resist change because of our fear of the unknown, or, in our despair, we think we don’t deserve anything better. Here’s the good news: Hope opens doors where despair closes them! Hope discovers what can be done instead of grumbling about what can’t be done. Throughout your life you will continue to encounter hurts and trials that you are powerless to change, but with God’s help you can be open to allow those circumstances and situations to change you—to make you better—not bitter. Ephesians 4:23 gives us a challenge to that end: “Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be constantly changing for the better.… You must be a new and different person.”People waist their life looking for that one great oppurtunity to excell. God instructs us to be faithful in the little things and I will make you ruler over many. Be Gods hand extended to everyone starting with your family. Your ministry is developed by those little everyday decisions that you make that show you to be worthy to carry more for him. God wants your example to be one of his charector. He is so much more interested in how you treat people than what you know. We fall short of the oppurtunities of God because our delivery is off, We have to much control over what we want. Surrender is a word that stick in our mouth. Just give God control and do the little things that show hes in your life and watch you will collide with a amazing destiny.Dont sit there waiting on the door to open. Dance in the hallway, be all you can be today. Be a example to everyone of his love his joy. Touch lives around you starting with your family and friends.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:56:10 +0000

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