Hopes story: Hope had been thrown out of a moving vehicle and - TopicsExpress


Hopes story: Hope had been thrown out of a moving vehicle and damaged the radial nerve in her right front leg. She was brought to the hospital where I worked by a vet tech who saw her thrown Her little eyes shown in the headlights of her vehicle and she pulled over to find the little brindle Chihuahua in the ditch. Fortunately she didnt drive right over her. I remember that day well. It was a warm May evening. Yet, she had hypothermia, was malnourished, and had every kind of imaginable intestinal parasite. We suppose they put her in a cooler, perhaps to sedate her somewhat before pitching her out the window. Does throwing her from a moving car allow her owners to scoot away quickly and thereby absolve them of any responsibility? Does putting her in a cooler to sedate her make the crime any less heinous? There was only one person in the vet hospital who could handle her, and I walked in one day to see Debbie holding this little girl. She was beautiful, and I thought she was a boarder since I knew all the patients. All eyes were on me as everyone waited for her to eat me alive as I approached her with the what a beautiful little Chihuahua! statement. Instead, she melted against my chest. They didnt know what to do with her so I got the you HAVE to take her! No one else but Debbie can touch her. Then I learned her story, looked into those beautiful, loving eyes and, yes, I did HAVE to take her, and have never looked back. Over the course of the next year, the damage to the radial nerve in her leg caused the leg to atrophy until we had no choice but to have it removed. She hates everyone but her family members, and she has quite the attitude. Hence the name An Attitude of Hope. We love her with every fiber of our beings, and you can see the love and gratitude in her eyes. Thank you, dear readers, for everything that you do to help awareness of special needs, abused, and neglected fur-babies.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 01:21:20 +0000

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