Horoscopes for Thursday, March 20, 2014 Aries You are - TopicsExpress


Horoscopes for Thursday, March 20, 2014 Aries You are impatient to start something new, but it makes sense to moderate your impulses now. The Suns month-long visit to your sign boosts your vitality and provokes you to strike while the iron is hot. But instead of wasting energy on an unsuitable venture, think twice before you cannot undo what youve done. If it still seems like a good idea after some serious thought, then methodically proceed with your plan. After all, it is your time to shine. Taurus You are feeling conflicted today because sharing your ideas with others is the next logical step in your journey. Nevertheless, something tells you that its wiser to keep things to yourself a while longer. But your current introversion isnt about the fear of being seen; its just that you still have some important spiritual processing to do. Dont be overly concerned if someone accuses you of being stubborn; youre actually more eager for change now than usual. Take whatever time you need to feel safe enough before coming out of your shell. Gemini Although you rarely lack for things to do, the Suns entry into your 11th House of Friends today marks an even busier social month ahead. You are less interested in working hard to get ahead now than enjoying the camaraderie of your buddies and coworkers. Instead of jumping through hoops to be noticed, relax and blend into the group. Theres no need to stir up any more trouble than is necessary. The connections you cultivate are crucial keys to your success. Cancer Youre ready to swing into action today without any prior reflection on what youre about to do. Ironically, this spontaneous behavior goes against your typically reticent nature, but its a tough day to wait patiently for a sign to start. Ultimately, you may choose to restrain yourself, but you still might experience frustration if you dont express your feelings one way or the other. Be open to acting out of character, for the alternatives will continue to look better as the day goes on. Leo Last years unfulfilled ambitions begin to fade away today as the Suns entry into your 9th House of Big Ideas draws you into the future. However, this cosmic turning point isnt about defeat; you dont have the luxury of focusing on failure. Let go of the past and start looking toward the successes ahead. Although it may take some time to feel as if youre gaining ground, dont lose faith if you really want to reach your destination. Virgo You might be wondering if your coworkers and friends are supporting your efforts now or if theyre just pacifying you with approving nods. Unfortunately, you wont necessarily know if someone is currently working against your progress. However, it may be a waste of time and energy trying to figure it out, anyway. Just be patient and wait until youre given the green light. In the meantime, its more important to enjoy yourself while working toward your goals today than it is to reach them. Libra Libra is the relationship sign and you are likely drawn toward working and playing with others more than most. But a friend or partner might suggest that its time to do something on your own today. Dont think of this as a rejection; theres probably nothing personal about it at all. Its just part of the evolution of any long-term connection. Once you reestablish your own center, it will be even more fruitful to reunite and share your experiences with each other later on. Scorpio Seeing so many options in front of you while realizing that your path has already been chosen is frustrating now. But even a slight improvement in the weather could be enough of a reason to set responsibilities aside and go out to play. Unfortunately, the timing isnt right because you cannot escape your obligations today. Anyway, youll be able to have more fun later once your work is done and your conscience is clear. Sagittarius Youre probably quite pleased with yourself now because your creative energy is running so strong. Its easier than ever to express yourself however you may choose today. But something still prevents you from having as much fun as you expected. Letting go of previous assumptions might help, yet the ultimate solution comes with time. Theres no need to be in such a hurry; slow down so you can truly appreciate the present moment. Capricorn You dont react well to someone leaning on you to make a quick decision. In fact, you could become downright argumentative if you have to defend your right to move at your own speed, rather than follow another persons arbitrary schedule. However, turning this difference of opinion into an open conflict is not a smart idea and wont bring you any closer to your hearts desire. Loosen up; exercising flexibility in response to external demands can flip a difficult situation around to your advantage. Aquarius You may find yourself juggling conflicting agendas today. You need some downtime and might think that working on your own is the smartest way to get it. But you dont want to miss your chance to learn from the people in your immediate environment. Unfortunately, theres no way to be alone and with others simultaneously. You can, however, benefit from the best of both worlds if you alternate your approach throughout the day. Stealing a few minutes at a time could be all you need to take care of your personal matters. Pisces It might appear as if others are just beginning their big projects, yet you already started yours a while back. Take your efforts to the next level by creating more structure in your life. This could involve a unique approach to allocating your time. Instead of focusing on an inspirational or creative process, increase productivity by prioritizing your tasks and then doing them methodically, one after another. Its time to make your dreams come true.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:50:30 +0000

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