Horoscopes for Thursday, November 14, 2013 Aries Your desires - TopicsExpress


Horoscopes for Thursday, November 14, 2013 Aries Your desires may lead you astray today because you want more than you can have. Magnetic Venus tensely squares irrepressible Uranus in your spontaneous sign, making it difficult for you to show self-restraint. You like the excitement of living on the edge, but its easy to go overboard now. Instead of thinking about personal satisfaction, consider what you could do to stabilize the progress you already made at work. Even a small amount of concentrated effort goes a long way. However, a lot of steady work carries you forward in ways you cannot yet imagine. Taurus The instability of your changing moods might be a lot to manage now. Normally, youre not so erratic; you usually like to contain the energy of a situation by moving at a steady pace. However, now you get to combine an unrelenting desire for excitement with your preference for stability -- a powerful combination to say the least. You have little to lose by succumbing to your emotions. In fact, this can be a break-through moment because those close to you are able to see a vulnerable side that you dont usually show. Open your heart and let love in. Gemini You are known to be light-footed and quick-witted, so it may be out of character to slow down and take life more seriously. Thankfully, you can gain recognition and respect now for your ability to do just that. Dont panic and make your move too soon, even if youre tempted. The freedom of mobility you seek will return in a few days and youll be able to make the necessary changes more easily. In the meantime, surprise others with your willingness to focus on the present moment. Cancer Too much information is a trap now, and no sensible Crab wants to end up in a steel cage. Find the routines that work for you and stick with them; when they become automatic you can focus on the whole game and not on each separate play. If youre having a difficult time with any one piece, let it be for a while and move on to other things you need to do. Accomplish as much as possible today; your actions will have greater impact after they stack up into a few days of work. Leo You may become your own worst enemy when your need for attention gets the best of you. If things are going your way now, you can become so attuned to the present moment that youre unconscious about how everyone perceives you. A little humility goes a long way; your friends and family will love you even more if you dont try so hard to hoard the spotlight. Shining the light on others makes you the hero in the long run. Virgo You are motivated by repressed emotions that may come close enough to the surface now to impact your outer world. You can usually differentiate between objective truths and subjective desires, but today its not so easy. Accept the rumblings of your feelings as messages from your intuitive side. The irrational information you receive in this manner might be more valuable than all the facts put together. Libra It might seem as if youre being led astray by one thing after another that comes into your environment today. However, the truth is that these so-called distractions may actually be the main event. You are in a positive cycle and can handle nearly anything that happens now. Breathe deeply and remain calm, even if your emotions are pulling you all over the place. Take everything in stride, for your reactions mold your future in powerful ways you dont yet understand. Scorpio Your intense desires could be wasted today on such trivial things such as the pursuit of personal pleasure. But you have more important things to do because your current actions can impact your success at work. You are creating building blocks for the future, so dont expend your energy on reaching the wrong goals. You have more tools at your disposal now; make intelligent use of the resources while you have the chance. Sagittarius Your unflappable confidence can backfire if you think everything is going so well you dont need to do anything now. Even if it seems like youre at the peak of your energy cycle, its not wise to wait until something goes badly before making changes. Its smarter to improve things before they break. Although the world might feel like your oyster now, complacency isnt your friend. You know what would make your life even better -- so get busy and do it. Capricorn Youre strangely attracted to playing outside the rules today, which can make you feel uneasy. You normally like to follow a traditional course, but current circumstances are requiring you to step into uncharted territory. It isnt worth fussing too much over someone who chooses not to join you on your journey. Letting go of old habits and worn-out expectations widens your horizons and increases the variety of new experiences ahead. Take a risk now; you wont be disappointed. Aquarius Its nearly impossible for you to conform to the status quo. You can be so unique in your approach that you dont always have the patience to stick with the same old routine. But you might try to hide your originality now because you want to avoid criticism from your friends. Unfortunately, youre not meant to color inside the lines. Dont worry about what anyone else thinks; just go ahead and be your authentic self. Pisces You may be ready to sacrifice your hard-earned security for the possibility of a memorable experience today. You are yearning to do something out of the ordinary with your friends, especially if they are encouraging you to express a part of your personality that you usually hold back. Be daring and experiment to discover what you really want. Letting your inner wild child out to play can be quite therapeutic.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 14:43:04 +0000

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