~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting April 7, 2014 ~ ARIES Your - TopicsExpress


~ Horoscopes for the Week Starting April 7, 2014 ~ ARIES Your social encounters pick up now as new people are coming into your life to replace whoever just left. Visitors will stop by about the middle of the week, so be prepared for their visit. A little extra money is coming in now. This allows you to purchase the things you need for an upcoming vacation. Somebody is ‘pulling’ for you as behind the scenes matters are done on your behalf. TAURUS You will complete your work within the next three weeks. When this is done you will have a great feeling relief. Several other burdens are being lifted off you shoulders. This all happens within the same time frame. You are now in the process of setting new goals. It appears that you are giving some serious thinking about your future. Investigate a thing or two before any real action is done. GEMINI You have a gain in your social standings. They pick up when you see some old time friends show up. A sigh of relief is seen as your money situation is also on the increase. You will be invited to a wedding shortly. If not, the invitation might be at least an engagement party. Your known innate ingenuity may be called upon this week. You also help with your great eye for color coordination. CANCER Break out the thinking cap as serious thoughts must be about your goals. Those you have gained as well as where to go from here. Get that paper work done and out of the way now while you are still in the mood to do it. This seems to be a very emotional time for you. It will last until the first part of June. Get a firm grip on yourself to weather the sudden emotional storm the best you can. LEO Your thoughts and interest seem to be turning toward redecorating this week. Get the colors you want well settled into your mind. This week you have an excellent aspect for color coordination’s. Money that is withheld comes to you in two weeks. Your impulse is strong. You have a tendency toward going your own way. You try to accommodate and listen to others. It‘s not always correct. VIRGO You will be busy for the next few weeks finishing up your current work load. With this out of your mind you’ll have time for some serious discussions. During the discussion someone rejects your ideas. Listen to all sides, and then decide. You are the practical one so your brain storms are the best. Just make sure you get paid for the time spent. Talk up loud for yourself this time for cash. LIBRA You are invited to accompany someone on their boat for a weekend trip. Do not forget to wear the proper safety gear. It appears as though there has been some serious planning about this voyage to insure that you would have an enjoyable time. Your impulsiveness is quite strong this week as well as your feeling of independence. Even if this is true listen to others and select what is best. SCORPIO In your search for brand new goals, you might even select a summer course to help you along. A stint of your favorite activities, (research and investigations) could keep you going for this whole week. Any heaviness of your spirit for the past few years is about to change. In about another few weeks, you won’t hardly recognize yourself. A change is on the way so please be a little patient. SAGITTARIUS As usual you always seem to be in the mood to argue. This brings forth a feeling of frustration because no one is listening to you any longer. Solve your frustration and plan a shopping trip for this week. Help your lousy frame of mind and purchase some items colorful to pick up your spirit. As your social activities increase you might see a chance for an engagement or marriage. Yours? CAPRICORN On Monday or Tuesday you will have a chance to plug the leak and untangle the book figures that have been bothering you lately. You will personally find the drain and mix up without the help of a professional bookkeeper. Aspects help you shed some light on the problem. You are on a roll to set up things that will be automatic for the next two years. It looks like this is a week to research. AQUARIUS Watch your deeds and mouth this week because they could lead you down the wrong path. Hear what others are saying. You may gleam some great ideas, but take no action until you have all of the facts and figures. It seems that you are being a little too careful and would rather do the brain work yourself. You can still give their ideas some study and thereby maintain your independence. PISCES As your thoughts turn serious, you feel as if you should seek some new goals to help with your movement forward. Serious thoughts enter your head this week as you try to find ways to make the road to success an easy route. Use your time well this coming summer. Maybe a course in a subject that you are weak. It shows that you absorb the subject matter. Try writing or perhaps art.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 02:53:32 +0000

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