Hotep,Shalom,Peace,Salaam,Power to The People! I greet you in - TopicsExpress


Hotep,Shalom,Peace,Salaam,Power to The People! I greet you in the ancient salutations of all the indigenous Black people world wide. Past,Present and future. After hours of deep contemplation and meditation, Im about to reveal one of the greatest Mysteries on our planet Black MIND AND WOMBMIND. Okay prepare your Bodily Craft for take off because we are about to go the celestial heights. Keep in mind Im not a teacher, I am here to awaken you. I will leave some gaps in my thesis for you to research,question,and ponder to get your internal wheels to spinning. My duty is only to provoke you to think and question every thing that your have come to believe,see and hear. EVERY QUEST BEGINS WITH A QUESTION! LESSON : THE BOX First and foremost we have to transcend this literal interpretaion of scriptures. Its a must that you learn to decipher symbols and think on a metaphysical level. Your working tool for this lesson is the SQUARE This is one of the essential tools of the Master Builder. YOU BLACK MIND AND WOMBMIND ARE THE MASTER BUILDER. YOUR ANCESTORS BUILT THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD. BUT,8TH WONDER HAS REMAINED A SECRET. -- THE GREATEST TEMPLE EVER BUILT BY BLACKS IS THE HUMAN BODY. MIND KNOW THYSELF! Keep in Mind, I am not talking biblical characters here, this is metaphysical science veiled under religious scripture. They hid the truth in plain sight. Look on your dollar bill and you will find a skeleton key,This is the KEY OF INTELLECT You cant open the door to the Temple if you dont possess the key. After he measured the wall of the house, six cubits; and the breadth of every side chamber, four cubits, round about the house on every side. Ezekiel 41:-5 KJV Okay six cubits is six sides of the human body. 1) Top of your head 2) The bottom of your feet. 3) Left side 4) Right side 5) front (chest) 6) Back (spine) MASTER KEY: IF YOU UNFOLD A BOX OR CUBE IT WILL OPEN TO SIX SIDES or A CROSS (EXAMINE PHOTOS) THE CRUCIFIXION OR CRUCI-FICTION is the veiled story of how they crucified you BLACK MAN AND WOMBMIND. Now four cubits round the house or temple on each side 1)Front, Back,leftside and right side. King James Bible Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. John 2:19 YOU ARE THE TEMPLE of the true and living god BLACK MIND AND WOMBMIND. King James Bible Neither shall they say, Look here! or, look there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. LUKE 17:21 There is nothing is space but dark matter ,the very essence of your being. YOU AND THE CREATOR ARE ONE. DONT YOU SEE. SCIENCE CONFIRMS THIS, YOUR ANCESTORS BUILT THE FIRST UNIVER-CITIES those Pyramids are perfectly align with ORIONS BELT IN THE UNIVERSAL CONSTELLATIONS, SIRIUS A,B,C. THEY LEFT YOU SCRIPTURE WRITTEN IN STONE. HOW CAN YOU DENY THIS? IF YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE PREVIOUS LESSON I HAVE PROVE THAT YOUR PHYSIOLOGICAL MAKEUP IS CARBON ATOM 6PROTONS-6NEUTRONS and 6ELECTRONS. YOU WERE CREATED FROM DARK MATTER. YOU ARE THE MELANATED MANIFESTATION OF GOD IN THE FLESH and SCIENCE CONFIRMS THIS AGE OLD SECRET. SHOW AND PROVE: The Black Stone is a Muslim relic, which according to Islamic tradition dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. Historical research claims that the Black Stone marked the Kaaba as a place of worship during pre-Islamic pagan times. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building towards which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Stone is a dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims, that has been broken into a number of fragments cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. This stone is set in large solid silver mountings. The hole resembles, quite deliberately, for reasons which will emerge, ‘the vulva of the goddess’! Known in ancient times as the YONI or WOMB or STAR GATE THE BLACK HOLE-STAR-GATE-WOMB OF THE BLACK WOMAN KNOWN IN ALL ANCIENTS CULTURES AS THE YONI. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TRAVEL FROM ALL OVER THE EARTH TO KISS THE WOMB OF THE BLACK WOMAN. I BET YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT? LETS GO A LITTLE DEEPER INTO THIS LESSON BEFORE I BRING IT TO A CONCLUSION. KABAH ALLAH or CUBE GOD REPRESENTS THE PLANET SATURN AND ITS COLOR IS BLACK I WANT YOU TO MAKE THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE CHRISTIAN CROSS== WHICH I HAVE SHOWED AND PROVED IS A CUBE,== THE ISRALITE, TETRAGRAMMATON MEANS FOUR WHICH IS A CUBE AND THE ISLAMIC KAABA MEANS WHICH ALSO MEANS CUBE AND MORE IMPORTANTLY YOU ARE A CUBE. AGREED? MASTER KEY: Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה, literally receiving/tradition )The Tree of Life is the basis of the Kabbalah, the esoteric Tradition behind the Bible. The Tree is quite clearly an astrological map of the solar system with all the planets and Signs of the zodiac. ALL OF THIS IS THE SAME METAPHYSICAL SCIENCE VEILED UNDER RELIGIOUS SCRIPTURE MUSLIMS= KAABA ALLAH/CUBE ISRAELITES = TETRAGRAMMATON CUBE (4) CHRISTIAN=CUBE CROSS HUE-MAN = CUBE This Black Cube is a remnant of the ancient worship of EL. Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “EL”. And get this……the supreme deity was represented by a BLACK CUBE! Saturn-Satan-Fallen!! Saturn is who Rome worshiped, remember? Hmmm…little red hats on our Vatican clergy reminiscent of this? YES. Occult researchers affirm that Saturn ruled the kingdom of Atlantis and became the divine ancestor of all earthly patriarchs and kings. The gods of Elohim are angELs, the messengers of GOD. For my Hebrew Isralites Brothers and Sisters Known as the god YHWH, (4-letters), as “Tetragramaton”…meaning their 4-lettered god (4-sided?) CubedGod? They walk in circles worshiping their god….thus it can be said they are “circling the square.” Masons are also constantly referring to “circling the square” and “squaring the circle.” WHO IS SATURN ? Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week. The 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland. (6, 3 times = 666). When your 3rd eye chakra opens you develop your 6th sense of intuition and spirituality. From a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your guardian angels. Isn’t it interesting that angels have haloes/rings around their heads and Saturn is the only planet with a halo/ring around it? That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each others fingers. The ring of Saturn. “The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix - Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.” It is the EL-ites who run the world today. El-ite comes from the “Isra-El-ites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El. WAKE UP BLACK MIND AND WOMBMIND. WE HAVE TO MOVE PASS ALL THIS RELIGIOUS DOGMA. Okay...MEDITATE AND RESEARCH THIS STUFF FOR YOURSELF. STOP LOOKING WITHOUT AND START LOOKING WITHIN. LEARN THE ANCIENT ART OF MEDITATION. YOU ARE THE TEMPLE AND GOD IS WITHIN YOU. THIS IS ONLY THE SURFACE. THIS RABBIT HOLES GOES VERY DEEP. TO BE CONTINUED? YOU MUST STUDY TO SHOW THE ANCESTORS THAT YOU ARE APPROVED TO BE AN AWAKENER! THE MASTER KEY TO ELEVATING IN SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS IS TO FREE YOUR MIND AND BECOME NOTHING OR NO-THING, THAN THE UNIVERSE WHICH IS EVERYTHING CAN REVEAL IT SELF TO YOU ONLY WHEN YOU ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE. STAR SEED MIND KNOW THYSELF THUS SAID THE GODS!!!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 11:39:15 +0000

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