Houdini You never expect a post on facebook to change your - TopicsExpress


Houdini You never expect a post on facebook to change your life. You never expect a dog you have never petted to change your life either. Both changed mine. When I first saw the picture of a beautiful brindle mastiff posted on Tanks Rescue and Recovery page I thought, Hes cute! He looks like my Dempsey!! I will go a few nights a help try and catch him!! I never thought I would spend night after night at the Legends. But after you met him for the first time he stole a little piece of your heart. I remember driving around for hours and hours hoping to catch a glimpse of him--and when I did, I would grab my phone and call Kimberly and Kim--HES HERE!! HES HERE!! and they would be there in a minute. Unfortunately, over the months Houdini slowly began to loose his trust in humans--we believe someone was trying to hurt him. He would venture out of his field less and less and later and later at night. So we would come to him. One night, probably the closet we ever came to catching him, I had my dog with me. We stood in the field watching and waiting. Then I saw him--barely, standing over by the tree. I said Kim--there he is watching us And he was--I think he loved watching us. He especially think he loved watching Dempsey because I think that was the longest I ever saw him hang around. The day we found our boy on the side of the road, a small part of me went with him. I got to pet that dog I had longed to pet for so many months. I ran my fingers thru his fur and held his paws. I have lost family, friends and pets but this was by far one of the most difficult moments of my life..I was saying good bye without ever truly getting to say hello. I dont know Houdinis story and probably never will. I would like to think someone loved him once, that he got to play with a ball, have a full stomach and know the love of a human. I know he is now thou, running around Rainbow Bridge-free of the all the burdens this world put on him. My life hasnt been easy, I have faced a lot of hurdles and struggled with who I am....alot. During my search for Houdini I faced an especially difficult time. Some days I wanted to give up. But I knew I could go into that field and let everything go, Houdini needed us and I couldnt let him down. I found peace in my life for the first time---ever. Houdini seemed to know what we needed and gave us that. He gave us the gift of hope, he gave us the gift of friendship but most of all he gave us the gift of love. I have memories now that because I this special dog I will hold near to my heart. We may not have rescued Houdini, but he rescued me and I know will continue to rescue me everyday. Houdini wasnt meant to stay here in this world. I think of the saying, God has bigger plans for us than we have for ourselves. God had bigger plans for Houdini. And bigger plans for us Thank you boy. We love you.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 05:08:37 +0000

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